Author: Annie

Dear Me.

A letter to my teenage self….. Dear Me, The longer I sit here, the less I want to do this. It’s not you, it’s me. Well, that’s not really true. It’s not me. It’s you. . . . . I wrote this letter once already. And I wasn’t nice. I was mad because when I get

Classy Rice Krispie Treats.

I googled that. No kidding. My friend Amber‘s birthday party was coming up and I was commissioned with bringing a dessert obeying the following rules: Avoid hot fruit dishes Avoid fruit flavors in general We were going to be outside, so nothing that easily melts [so there went my ice cream sculpture idea] I don’t

And now I’m at the beach.

I may have forgotten to mention in all of the Perfectly Unique hullabaloo, but the (in)courage gals and I have officially retreated. It’s a thing we do, this crazy group of writers. We take a few days, once a year, and all convene in one beach house and hug and cry and laugh and chat

I don’t know what to say.

I’ve sat here with my cursor blinking for a few minutes. You know me. I can barely keep my mouth shut if I’m awake, so to be without words is a bit of a fluke. But I’m just stunned. Still. The next day. Yesterday was crazy. You guys were so generous with your tweets and

Perfectly Unique: Here we go!!!

Dear friends, So today is a big day in our little world. I literally cannot believe it is actually here! Perfectly Unique releases out to the masses. Whoa whoa whoa. This book is so dear to me. From when I wrote it for a small group of high school girls in my living room, to

Some things before Tuesday.

Hi friends. We are 24 hours from the most annoying AnnieBlogs social media experience of your life. I apologize in advance. I have to tweet and Facebook until my fingers fall off when the book releases… I think that exact terminology is in my contract with Zondervan. So I’m sorry. [It’s not really. But it

American Football.

I just need to express my excitement. While I am terribly grateful for the opportunity to live in Scotland last year, it came at a price. I missed the entire Georgia Bulldog regular season. I’m sure that’s what is meant by “suffering for the Gospel.” But not this year. No siree. The dawgs play on

Perfectly Unique: ONE WEEK

September 4th is next Tuesday. Seven days from today, Perfectly Unique will officially launch out into the world. I’m breathing, but I accidentally just held my breath for those two sentences and I didn’t even realize it until my chest started to burn. I’m excited. I’m nervous. Mainly today, I anxious to talk to you.

Behind The Scenes: New head shots!

Portland was a blast. I put up a bazillion and one pictures on instagram, so check there if you want to see visual proof of my west coast-ness. You could also check the official wedding hashtag stream – yes, that is actually a thing- #rushpowerswedding. . . . . . So a few months ago,

TOP 5 FRIDAY: The Travel Bug.

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . Our first day in Portland was a huge fat success.