Author: Annie

The smell of steak.

So here’s a thing. At each Girls of Grace event, Chris Wheeler gives an awesome talk about boys versus men, and waiting on the right guy, and he uses the comparison of beef jerky and steak. He tells the girls to “wait for steak.” And, sorry if I’m ruining this for anyone, but he cooks

Tell me ’bout cha, Portland.

I’m going to Portland, Oregon tomorrow. One of my dear friends is getting married there and I get to be a part of the celebration. A handful of Nash-gals are all going together and we are beyond beyond excited about it. By the way, I’ve never been to Portland, Oregon. So I have some questions

Things you need to know about Charlotte.

Recap posts. I like them. And you are welcome, I took a lot of pictures this weekend. First, let me say, I am absolutely in heaven being a part of Girls of Grace. And the Point of Grace women are so kind to me and I’m pretty sure we’re gonna be friends forever. The crew

TOP 5 FRIDAY: Jog jams.

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . JOG JAMS! Like Jock Jams… get it? My younger sister

Charlotte. A list.

Let me make a list of reasons I am excited that Girls of Grace heads to Charlotte this weekend. Everybody cool with a list? Me hopes yes. 1. This new banner. Do you love it or WHAT? I know. I’m dying with happy. Jonathan Rush designed it and it is just plain adorable. Also, it

Ready to run.

Not “Ready To Run” like the Dixie Chicks. More like the kind of running we’ll be doing here in Nashville in October for the Color Run! I’ll tell you something that I’ve never done. Run a full 5K. I’ve finished a bunch of them, but I certainly haven’t RUN the entire 3.1 miles ever in

RIP Hair Straightener. RIP.

It is with a heavy heart that I bring you this sad blog post. My straightener, old faithful, constant companion, finally went kaput two weeks ago. I know. I know. I should have told you sooner. But the pain was a bit too much to bear. You see, I murdered it. Not on purpose. No,

Why you (and your daughter) should see Katy Perry’s movie.

Well, at least my title was succinct. I’m known for my economy of words. A few weeks ago, some friends and I loaded up and headed to see Katy Perry’s movie Part of Me. I’m a fan of the music documentary- especially pop musicians. If you haven’t seen Never Say Never – the documentary about

We trampolined like teenagers.

The Olympics have had a lot of fascinating influence in my life this year. For example, I now watch television from 7-11pm every night. Also, I have the television on during the day while I’m “working” and I put “working” in quotes because I did a fraction of the amount of “work” I should have

I’m just a Mississippi girl.

I’m not really. I just wanted to quote that Faith Hill song. This weekend I head with Girls of Grace to Jackson, Mississippi and I am super-dee-duper excited. Check out the line-up for the weekend [and realize that I am surrounded by greatness. Sheesh]. [Also, you’ll get to meet Amber who you practically are friends