Author: Annie

Perfectly Unique: ONE MONTH.

September 4th is less than one month away. Whoa to the whoa. I have copies of Perfectly Unique in my house finally. But to be honest, I haven’t read it again. This is in part because I have read that manuscript a blue-million times [as my mama says]. But also, something new has been going

Top 5 Friday: iPhone Apps

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . Last weekend at Girls of Grace, when Leigh from Point

I hate bell peppers.

There really isn’t enough arguing and opposing opinions going on right now, so my friend Allison and I thought we would add our own disagreement to the internet today. Here’s what. I hate bell peppers. There are lots of veggies that I can stomach for the sake of health and a few that I even

What do you want me to write about?

Every so often, I like to take a little time out from the things I want to write and ask you that question. What do you want me to blog about?  I mean, do you need some new recipes? Or want to hear about new good music? Want a funny story from Scotland or an

Phoenix: The City Without Books

Have you ever wondered what it would look like to watch me speak from a church baptistry? Me neither. But there it is —> It’s Monday afternoon and I’m awake and a productive member of society. I slept in today a bit, feeling like a No Alarm Monday was somewhat deserved. After traveling from Scotland

Books I read in Scotland.

Welp. It’s 4am and I am bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and crazy-haired [since I fell asleep right after I took a shower and allowed my hair to do as it may for the last eight hours]. When I sleep, I kinda flip and flop like a fish out of water, so it leads to some, I’m

Girls of Grace in Phoenix!

It’s my last day in Edinburgh and what a joy joy joy these two weeks have been. I think the best recap comes in the photo documentation I have done over on the ol’ instagram. Suffice it to say that having two hometowns, on two different continents, can feel a bit whackadoodle at times, sad

Greatest Hits: A Letter To A Pretty Girl

This experience, in February of this year, has had a profound effect on me. While it remains one of the most disappointingly public display of my cowardice, it has also brought many hope. I’m grateful for how God takes our ugly and uses it for good. Sadly, we never found out who the girl was.

Greatest Hits: It Only Takes A Day.

This post from March of 2009 was one of the most profound spiritual experiences of my adult life, thanks to Beth Moore. But to be honest, even as I re-read it today, it brought tears to me eyes. I needed to hear this, to believe this again. . . . . . Do you half-wish

Greatest Hits: It’s Glaze, Not Grease.

From November 2009 when my mama came to town, this is still a favorite recipe in our friend group. Try it. You won’t be sorry…. well, you’ll be sorry that there is another fattening dip in your life, but that’s all. . . . . . So this weekend, my mom came to Nashville [also