Author: Annie


I’ve been writing for (in)courage every month for years. [Literally. Years.] And I’ll tell you what. The post this month? I think it may be my favorite. [Am I allowed to say that?] Not because of the quality of writing or anything like that – I promise I am not tooting my own horn here

Greatest Hits: Favorite books.

This TOP 5 FRIDAY from April of 2011 remains my absolute favorite. Check back on the original post for over 100 comments of favorite books and then add yours here today! . . . . . I truly hope you read through the comments of last Friday’s TOP 5 Friday post about most loved songs.

Greatest Hits: That Dress.

From January of this year, this post about my New Year’s Eve dress reminds me all the time of how God has rescued me from who I used to be. . . . . . If you have read my book, you know this already. I used to hate me.  As a teenager, I was

Greatest Hits: How To Fold A Fitted Sheet.

Originally written in January of 2010, this is still one of my most attractive qualities to men: I can fold a fitted sheet perfectly. Every time. The video is, well, long. I won’t be offended if you fast forward to the actual action of folding. . . . . . Well, here you go. A

Greatest Hits: It’s the little things, people.

Originally from February of 2009, this post always reminds of how God is all about the details. . . . . . In January of 2007 I saw a beautiful shower curtain and shower curtain hooks at Target. I remember clearly that they were on the end of the aisle, deeply on sale. I’m talking

Greatest Hits

Dear friends, While I’m at camp this week, and while you are getting adjusted to the new digs around here, I thought I’d pull out some of the greatest hits posts from years past. Of course, if you are feeling extremely bored, to the right you’ll see a place called “archives” and you can just

And then….!

And with the second huge launch of the week….. She’s a beaut, that website. Super similar to AnnieBlogs, on purpose. is mainly meant for people who don’t know me, who google some author their friend told them about [fingers crossed], and want to know about my author life. won’t change on a

Today I go to Scotland.

This is my favorite picture from Scotland last year, which is why I’ve used it twice, because it says exactly how I feel about that place, even though my hair has a major swoop sitch going on. Here’s another sitch we have before us: My suitcase weighs 62.5 pounds. No bueno. And so sometime between now

Welcome to the new AnnieBlogs!

“I might have been born just plain white trash, but Fancy was my name.” [I feel like on a day when I launch a pretty new blog, I should start by quoting Reba. Can we all agree on that?] So if you are a google reader kind of reader, pop over today and check out

Hillsong Winners!

Congrats to these three folks for winning the Hillsong Live album! #13 : Katherine Boozer! #28 : Tess! Picked out of a ton of really legit reasons that you should get the album: TRAVIS! [You are right, Trav. You have suffered with my gal posts long enough to earn some free tunes.] The rest of