Author: Annie

TOP 5 FRIDAY: Hillsong (+ a giveaway!)

First of all, the winner of Sarah Martin’s Stress Point is commenter #34: BEKAH! Congrats, Bekah! And wowsers, after reading all those comments, I’m thinking you 20-somethings just need to come over to my house and I’ll make lunch and let’s talk about some things, y’all. I’ll let you know when it is planned. Not

Perfectly Unique: 2 months

I know it is a holiday, so I’ll keep this brief. We’ve all got important things to attend to, such as barbecues and swimming pools and sunscreen. People, wear sunscreen. Today marks exactly two months until Perfectly Unique sprouts wings and flies into your homes and lives and bookshelves. September 4, 2012. If you wanna,

Stress Point: A GIVEAWAY!

My friends. We are so lucky this week. I have something fun to giveaway today, tomorrow is America’s birthday, I have a fun giveaway on Thursday, and then Saturday is MY BIRTHDAY! Right, so that last one may not effect you as much as it does me, but I pretty much am giggly about it

Crafters to the rescue?

Dear friends, I find myself in a bit of a situation. See, I have this bird. My grandmother loved birds, she watched live birds, and she collected non-live birds. I have this bird of Ma’s that sits on my desk. It reminds me of her and I love having it. But, be that as it may,

TOP 5 FRIDAY: Books for dudes.

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . You know, I’m learning as I go with this college dudes

The internet is a giver.

I know why you come here every day. Because you want to learn. If AnnieBlogs is anything, it is educational. [Yeah right.] But as I’ve been tooling around the internet, I’ve found a few things to share with you… Prepare your heart to learn many-a-thing today. . . . . . –> Mac Powell is going

I can only come back from vacation if I can talk about Nutella.

That’s what I’ve decided. So. Here you go. You. Are. Welcome. It’s such an amazingly easy recipe that Lyndsay found on pinterest. And y’all. They are delicious. I can’t even wait to make them for my small group when they get back to Nash in the fall. [Dear girls, HURRY BACK. Fine, we’ve been apart

Summer Vacation

… has begun. And while I don’t exactly plan to make a love connection at the beach, I certainly hope I don’t meet this guy. [photo credit: Mashable] See you guys next week. And yes, you’re welcome that a shark will frighten any bloggy passerby for the next few days.

Emily The Bachelorette.

It is high timed we talked about things of some serious importance. Example: The Bachelorette [Dear friends, if you watch this show and are not caught up to this week’s episode, leave now and do not blame me if you scan this post and run headfirst into a spoiler.] [Dear dudes, don’t give up on

The Blue Circle

Subtitle: The Best Idea I Ever Had That I Actually Followed Through With [Subtitle’s Subtitle: That’s Probably Not Totally True But It Feels That Way] Alternate Subtitle: Putting 2K Miles On Your Car Is Worth It When Cool People Are At Every Stop [Alternate Subtitle’s Subtitle: A Love Letter To My Toyota Camry] . .