Author: Annie

Book Cover : Twas A Miracle

My dear friend Annie Parsons and I had coffee last week. I’ll tell ya, that girl. She’s a gem. Don’t even get me started. Anyways, she said, “Um, you’ve never told us the story of the book cover like you said you would.” She’s right. So here you go. . . . . . Early

Ready to go back home. #ScotlandStuff

Last week, I was scheduling an interview for when Perfectly Unique comes out in September. I said, “well, I’m going to be out of the country for two weeks in July, so it will have to be after that.” The man said, “Oh really? Where are you going?” Without thinking first, I responded, “I’m going

TOP 5 FRIDAY: Current Reads

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . I’m a serial multi-book reader. I like to have different books

Father’s Day gifts that aren’t lame.

My poor Dad has put up with his fair share of coupon books and golf balls and books about golfers or money or golfers who make money [Dad works in the money world, so he likes reading that stuff]. This year, we have a pretty rad present for him, but unfortunately, I cannot tell you

Dudes like pictures.

A few Fridays ago, after I had posted the Top 5 Dude Websites, I ran into my friends Bill* and Bob*. Bill* said, “Hey, saw your blog today- cool links.” But as we discussed the nuances of having a blog that is mostly read by women but a few dudes sprinkled here and there, Bob*

Guest post: God knows what He is doing.

A few weeks ago, I got an email from Lauren. Lauren started telling me her story, and how a post I wrote about my dear little Shelby had come at a great time in her life, and how God had shown up for her and her family. I cried as I read her email. And

Perfectly Unique: Family meeting

[It still amazes me that we are even having this conversation. Just so you know.] Three short months from today, Perfectly Unique releases to the world. September 4, 2012. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. I know that From Head To Foot has already come out so this should be no big deal, but it is. It feels

TOP 5 FRIDAY: Fashiony blogs

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . Dear Annie 2006, You are absolutely not going to believe

Like two raw ham hocks.

[This post is gonna get graphic. You’ve been warned.] I have a terrible sunburn. Let me give you the facts: I have porcelain skin. Truly, if this was 1812, I would be a CATCH thanks to my pasty whiteness. The fellas wouldn’t be able to resist. But in 2012, I’m just pale. I burn. I

Revelation 21:8

You guys probably know this, but if not, I’ll tell you now. I’ve got a thing for courage. In fact, I wrote about it for 31 days. I mean, I’m not always brave, in fact, I probably lack in courage pretty often. I can certainly tell more stories of my own wimpy behavior than I can of