Author: Annie

No alarm!

I have a weird habit. I pick one day a week and I don’t set an alarm. Every other day of the week, I make myself wake up at 7am and actually get moving. [I know, some of you have to get up way earlier… don’t hate me for sleeping until 7. When I taught

Ingrid and history.

I got to see one of my very favorite musicians play last night at Cannery Ballroom here in Nashville – Ingrid Michaelson. I have been a big fan since about ten of us girls went and saw her play the Belcourt in 2010. I had a moment of crisis last night when she was playing

We can be friends.

So y’all. Getting new headshots done yesterday was super fun. I’m gonna tell you all about it soon. For now, here are two pictures that show you kinda what was going on. But before I tell you about that, I gotta tell you about this. Going shopping. So my dear friend / stylist Amber Lehman

Pizza Rollz for my people.

Friday night was somethin’, y’all. Really somethin’. You know those crazy college gals that I meet with every week? They spent the night. All of them, minus one. [You can twitter stalk the whole experience by looking up the hashtag #smallgroupsnoozle. It’s funny.] We had a crazy good time. I’m not gonna blog about how

I finally saw The Hunger Games.

This entire post is about The Hunger Games movie. If you have not read the book or seen the movie and don’t want the experience to be spoiled, this is your moment to exit and I’ll see you tomorrow. Hugs and waves and stuff!!! The rest of you guys, let’s talk. I turned in the

A sweet circle.

I was going to title this blog post “the circle of life,” but then I wanted to make lots of jokes about you holding your babies in the air like Simba and I knew that this blog post would go off track something quick. Settle in for a little story, my friends. Nothing finer for

Boston calling.

In 2000, my three college friends and I spent our fall break in Boston. We stayed with some gals who had graduated before us, ate amazing Italian food, had a day outing to Martha’s Vineyard, and for me, it was my first big girl vacation [meaning I was traveling without a chaperone]. I fell in

I’ve been listed.

No kidding, I have no idea how this all happened in one week, but I’ve been listed. And I’m super grateful. Thanks to Matthew Paul Turner for saying I’m one of the 25 Christian blogs you should be reading. [But, uh, you are here, so you already read me, so I guess he wasn’t talking

Speak Gently.

Man, a few months ago when I asked you guys to help me brainstorm topics for (in)courage, I never expected the large and varied response that I got. [And yes, you are welcome to keep adding your thoughts to the post.] I mean, whoa. So every month, when it is my turn up to bat

TOP 5 FRIDAY : A Nashville Brunch.

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . I have some friends coming in town today [squeeeeal!] and