Author: Annie

4th Chair

So if you follow me on twitter or on instagram, you’ve probably heard me talk about 4th chair. Or more specifically, #4thchair. Today, I shall explain said #4thchair. Almost every day, at some point, Lyndsay, Nichole, and I go to a local coffee shop. It’s a favorite of ours- it is where Nashville goes to

I’ll be walking in Memphis.

Hey all you friends in a driving distance to Memphis! I’ve got some good news. I don’t know what you were planning on doing on Saturday, June 9th, but your plans just changed. You need to come hang out with me at the Girls of Grace event. OH YES. I am so excited to be

Here’s the haircut. And some other things.

So there you go. Before and after. I feel absolutely 100% ridiculous showing this photo, but I figure if I ask your opinion, you deserve to see the final product from yesterday. I am going to be so surprised if my hair ever looks that totally awesome again because Annie Downs is not overly skilled

The time has come.

For a haircut. It started with this question [the red one] during the Q&A session at the retreat where I spoke last weekend…. I know. Hilarious. [Trust me. There were a lot of serious hard-hitting make-you-take-a-deep-breath kind of questions too. I didn’t photograph those. I prayed over those.] Here’s how I answered “Has your hair

I am inviting myself over.

I have this bad habit [you can ask Nester or Emily] of deciding that when I want to see my friends, I just invite myself over. So I have a crazy idea. Today, I’m going to invite myself over to your house. Because I want us to be friends and hang out and stuff. Here’s

I love cheese.

Have I ever told you how much I like cheese? A lot. Like, a lot. Mainly, I can’t resist Manchego. So of course, when it was time for me to write for (in)courage for March, I needed to write about cheese. You remember the old song “the Farmer in the Dell”? Do you remember what

TOP 5 FRIDAY: A candy-coated situation.

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . You see, I find myself in a bit of a

They used to be friends.

At Cross Point Church, we are studying spiritual warfare. The Unseen Series is awesome [so far] – you should check it out. Pete is teaching through Jesus’s time in the desert when He was tempted by the Devil and helping us to identify the ways that the enemy is trying to tempt us in our

Dave Barnes: Stories To Tell

You guys. This album. I can’t quit it. And it is brand new. And I’ve got some serious dance moves going on when I listen to White Flag. It’s my favorite of the non make-me-cry variety on Stories To Tell. If you’ve read From Head To Foot, you know that it was this yahoo who

Some things we should learn from Courtney.

I don’t really want to talk about The Bachelor… but I also do. It’s a hugely popular show and I think this season has many discussion points. [If you’re not down with The Bach, then I won’t be offended if you leave us here. Have a great Tuesday!] This whole Bachelor season has been a