Author: Annie

Introducing Perfectly Unique.

First of all, your responses and love yesterday at this news were beyond anything I knew to emotionally prepare for. Your excitement means the world. I know so many of you, from childhood friends to faithful bloggites, have walked this road with me for YEARS. So I kinda feel like this is our win together.

Big day, y’all. Big day.

I have been DYING to tell you this. I mean, simply dying. Tuesday, March 6, 2012 at 4:40pm, I signed a book contract with Zondervan. Oh yeah, THIS ZONDERVAN. Are. You. Dying!??! I know. I know. In the very same coffee shop where three years ago I finished the manuscript for From Head To Foot,

A favorite night at BurgerUp.

I’ve been home from Scotland for three and a half months. Who can believe that? Not I, said the blogista. Lucky for me, Scotland still comes up in conversation pretty often. I often get to talk about my friends there, what Crossroads Church is doing, and how I’ve adjusted to being home. [Pretty well, I think, by

TOP 5 FRIDAY: Rom Coms, y’all.

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . A few weeks ago my friends and I went to

Teach me how to Duggar.

You know how some of you guys have little people in your lives and you have to feed them a few times a day? Well. I don’t have those. I mainly just have to make sure I have cereal and bananas and a piece of chicken every now and again. Or make sure I know

Allume 2012

You guys. YOU GUYS. I hope you’re coming to Allume. I really really do. I hope you buy a ticket tonight at midnight for the early bird price. Because I’m speaking there. And that is super fun and exciting on a lot of levels. Let’s begin those levels now: Level 1. I love Sarah Mae

Single Annie needs your help.

Well, not like THAT. I mean, unless you know an awesome dude- then hook a sister up. But that’s not exactly what I am talking about. Though I am 100% pro getting set up with guys that you guys know. So… maybe I should say while that wasn’t the PRIMARY goal of this post, your

Retreat road-tripping with your BFF and other highlights.

One of the greatest joys of getting to be a speaker [besides forcing people to laugh at my jokes] is that it has given me reason to bring along some of my best friends as my assistants/table workers/hairdresser/makeup artist/food preparer/body guards, etc. [There’s lots of exaggeration there. Just FYI.] Pretty much, I get to pay people to be

I wanna dance with somebody.

This video will totally get you stoked for the weekend. If it doesn’t, please follow these steps: 1. Pull out a calendar – it can be physical or on your computer. 2. Put your finger on today, Friday, February 24th. 3. Say out loud, “TODAY IS FRIDAY.” 4. Then say, “Self, what part of the

A letter to a Pretty Girl.

Last Sunday night, Cross Point Downtown campus did something awesome- we had a panel of five adults answering questions on relationships that the students texted in throughout the service. I got to represent all the single ladies and made enough Beyonce jokes to last at least until April. The variety of questions were insane and