Author: Annie

I like you so much.

Sometimes I forget that we haven’t met. There are days when I read through the comments here and I feel like it’s one big conference call with my friends. And when you email, and when you comment, and when you reply on twitter, it’s like we just know each other. How did the internet do

Green salsa.

An Ode To Green Salsa Dearest Green Salsa, it is you that we love. We feel that you are a blended gift from above. They offer us one bowl, we laugh in their faces. And quickly three more are set in their places. We pour over stories while you pour on a chip. With our ears we

Retreat season, she is upon us.

If you follow me on twitter or on instagram, then you probably already know this – but I got to spend last weekend with the lovely ladies from the University of Georgia Wesley Foundation. It was fun, y’all. One of the girls asked me, “do you like speaking or writing more?” and I answered very

Anybody know a Jeff Mills?

A funny thing happened this week. I got a google notification that “Annie Downs” had popped up on Amazon. I checked it out and immediately knew that you people would enjoy this story. So apparently Johanna Bock, an author in the UK, has written a new book called Knight Vision. Here’s the cover. Not entertained

World Wide Web Wound-up!

That is actually supposed to say “round-up” but I couldn’t resist the alliteration and the mental picture of a four year old cowboy yelling it across the prairie. [I love the West. I’m in bad need of a trip to the Oregon Trail and the cowboy territories of the USA.] I don’t have a ton

Navigating Valentine’s Day: Teen Stuff

Your teen girl is living Valentine’s Day today. I was a teen for seven Valentine’s Days [so were you] and I know it can be tumultuous and joyful and everything in between. As leaders for teens, teachers, parents, and mentors, how can we speak into today for our girls? I’m no expert, but as I’ve

Top 5 Friday: Disney songs.

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . See. Here’s what is about to happen. Both the … Ahem,

Smile, Wednesday. Yeah, I know it’s Thursday.

I feel that it is very avant-garde of me to do this post a day after the series title. Also. To be more truthful, I left my computer’s power cord at Mocha Club on Tuesday night, so I was unable to write a blog post on for Wednesday because ye old laptop was so dead

Annie’s Day Off.

I didn’t set an alarm this morning, the first time in many-a-week. And yet I still woke up at 8am which is proving a disappointment I’ve know to be true for a while now: I’m an adult. Annoying. Last week was rather insane for me – exampled by the fact that I started a MAJOR

Ben The Bachelor.

Each season, without fail, we just need to take a few minutes to talk about The Bachelor. During Ali’s season, I looked like Roberto’s mom. During Brad’s season, @BradWomack followed me on twitter. And during Ashley’s season, we felt sorry for Ben and celebrated JP. . . . . . If you don’t watch The Bachelor, I