Author: Annie

Ask AnnieBlogs: Book club scoop!

We’re gonna start something a little new today. Every now and again [read: whenever you email me], I’m going to answer questions you guys may have… I have no idea what kind of lunacy I’m opening myself up to, but I’m kinda pumped about it. . . . . . So on Monday, as I

Praying for Vanderbilt.

Today is a big day at Vanderbilt University. Let me see if I can explain this correctly in normal people terms. The policy makers at Vandy have written a new nondiscrimination policy. [That’s good. Discriminating is mean.] Except. This particular policy says that no organizations on campus can discriminate because of the core beliefs of

Moving is not for wimps.

I moved to Nashville 3.5 years ago. And would you believe, no kidding, that this is the SIXTH house I have occupied in this town? So, mathematically speaking, that’s like moving every 7 months or so. Barf. [I know your next question and no, I am not in the witness protection program. And even if

Serving at church: Sweet spot or sweep spot?

I can’t even begin to tell y’all how much I LOVE my church, Cross Point. There are a lot of backstories that led to this place, which we don’t have time for, but just trust that it has taken me 3.5 years in Nashville to find a church like this. [Sure. We could have a

I’m pro-cohabitation.

I got back from Scotland approximately eight weeks and two days ago. I only know because one of my besties in Nashville birthed a baby the same day I got on a plane. So yesterday, when she tells me, “Yep, he’s eight weeks old exactly,” my brain immediately thinks, “Man, I’ve been home for eight

New tunes in ’12

One of my favorite things to do is share good music. Not share in the “burn-me-a-CD” kind of way. People in this town do not look to kindly on that. I don’t want to get shunned in the streets. Instead, I will list for you some new stuff I’m listening to and show you how

The joy of a puzzle.

I grew up doing puzzles. Working puzzles? Constructing puzzles? Puzzling puzzles? I don’t really know. My grandmother loved them. She always had one in the works at her house or when we went on vacation. It’s one of my strongest and fondest memories. But somehow, I previously had yet to adopt this hobby into my

So I’m going to talk about it.

Last month I wrote an article on (in)courage about being single. And then it got 450ish comments. Good. Gravy. Boat. For the last few weeks since that post exploded, I have labored over what to do next. It has been a recurring theme in my prayers, my thoughts, and my conversations- “how do I love

Top 5 Friday: Nashville is delicious at noon.

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . I love when people email me questions about Nashville. It

I haven’t forgotten.

Part 1. I haven’t forgotten that I have a blog. I promise. Part 2. I haven’t forgotten the things you said to me on December 9, 2010. I like to go back and read that blog post. I like to think about all the things that you want to do with your life. I like