Author: Annie

Top 5 Friday: Guilty pleasure music.

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . There is no reason why I love these songs. I

If you are single, buy this book.

It’s been a central conversation piece in about a zillion conversations in the last three weeks or so. It seems that every time a girl and I start to chat, the topic of dating arises and this book makes us gab for twenty extra minutes. Because every has read it / is reading it /

That dress.

If you have read my book, you know this already. I used to hate me.  As a teenager, I was my own worst enemy. The only thing that was worse than looking in the mirror was looking in the mirror while trying on new clothes. It was horrible. I spent many a high school shopping

I’m going to write… and tell you some other things.

Here are two short [not comprehensive] lists. Some things I am good at: – making chicken and dumplings [betcha didn’t know that.] – cheering for my favorite team until the bitter end [The Georgia Bulldogs? Have mercy.] – wearing a lot of glitter/sequins/sparkles [I am going to write an entire post about my NYE dress.

Deportation… part 2.

[Here’s Deportation Part 1. Probably pretty important to read so you can pick up with us today.] So after Richard is convinced that my flatmate’s phone number is a fake, he asks for another number. I give him the pastor’s phone number. At this point, it’s been about 25 minutes and Richard had fully interrogated

Being single.

I rarely write about being single. There are a lot of reasons why that I won’t take time to list today. But a big one, if I’m being completely honest with you, is that I don’t want to be the poster gal for Single Christian Life. I just don’t. You know what happens to poster

Deportation… part 1.

I’ve been strategically waiting until there was no way I would go to jail or be banned from the UK to tell you this story. I’m thinking that since I’ve been home for one month + one week, now is an okay time. Thesis statement: In October, Scotland tried to deport me. Supporting details: If

Christmas questions galore.

Instead of a normal Top 5 Friday today, I’d just love to hear from you! So here are the Top 5 questions I have for you. Answer one or all… I’m not the boss of you. 1. What gift do you hope to get this Christmas? 2. What gift are you excited to give this Christmas? 3. Will you

Books for teens.

People ask me often about what books teenagers should/could/would maybe like to read. And while you may be SUPER close to running out of time to shop for a Christmas gift, I thought I’d offer this list anyways. 🙂 Thanks to my friends on facebook and my read-a-holic sister and my book nerd self, we’ve