Author: Annie

Winners of the Christmas pack!!

Get ready, people. Santa Annie is sending you a little mail today! Here are the winners, as picked by my top elf, #31. Libbi H … she’s giving the extra copy to her cousin or her best friend. Blood is thicker than water, Libbi. But BFFs are thicker than jello. So…. I’m glad that’s

Christmasy giveaway!

So I made a silly mistake when I mailed out a bunch of the Christmas gift packs last week. I included a candy cane. Seems like a simple addition, does it not? Just a little candy cane to brighten the spirits, and the breath, of young ladies around the USA. Unfortunately, it seems, from what

A few things about a few things.

I’m alive! In crazy weeks like this, if you are worried that something disastrous has happened to my mortal body, you should probably check on twitter. Or Instagram. [I love me some Instagram.] Or facebook. Really, whatever your heart desires. Because I’m able to pop in easier over there. But hey! I’m popping in here at AnnieBlogs!

Top 5 Friday : Christmas tunes.

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . Tis the season, y’all. Tis. So let’s talk about our

Remind me on the bad days.

Remind me of nights like last night…. when I’m sitting in a venue surrounded by friends that I love. When familiar faces I haven’t seen yet keep popping up in my peripheral vision. When the hugs are plentiful and the joy is palpable. When the musicians make me laugh because they are funny on stage

Christmas gift pack 2011!

Well, people. It is finally here. I am so excited show you the AWESOME From Head to Foot Christmas Gift Pack for 2011! I called up a bunch of my buddies and got everybody together in Annie’s Christmas workshop and said, “let’s make the coolest Christmas gift pack ever.” So we did. If you have

Home sweet home.

I’m happy. For recap’s sake, here’s where I’ve been since I was in Scotland last week. [I was in Scotland last week. I used to live there. My insides feel bizarro.] I spent a jet-lagged and wonderful Thanksgiving week with my family. We ate lots of food and I slept some weird hours and I

Top 5 Friday: Speaking Scottish.

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . One question I kept getting from friends in America before


I’m thankful to be home. Thankful for my family and friends. Thankful for Chick-fil-A and bizarrely warm weather in Georgia. I’m thankful for Edinburgh. I’m thankful for lifelong friends on the other side of the Atlantic. I’m thankful for Crossroads Church and the people there. I’m thankful that God is near, that His ways always

Left behind.

All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go. I’m standing here, outside your door. No, no I’m not. Unless you live on my street in Edinburgh. The suitcases are ready, the carry-on is ready, my hair is clean and I’m headed to the airport in just a bit. [Your prayers for a safe flight,