Author: Annie

Lots of lasts.

These days are weird. There seem to be lasts popping up all over Edinburgh. My last lunch at Potterrow on the University of Edinburgh campus. My last ride on Bus 23. My last coffee hang out with the girls. My last Tuesday. My last Wednesday. Last. Last. Last. Tonight is my last Gathering at Crossroads


One of my favorite things about this season of my life is that I am reading. A LOT. I mean, I’ve always been the girl who loves to read, don’t get me wrong. But there just seem to be seasons of my life where I read a few great books in a row. And That.

Cook-off was AWESOME.

Thanks for your prayers! I have a tiny window of time to pop in and say HI and THANKS and I’M POOPED and I’M SO PUMPED, so…. Hi. Thanks. I’m pooped. I’m so pumped- the team was great fun, our students loved it, and the chili was delicious. Here are all the pictures from last

Today’s a big one.

It’s been a crazy few weeks, but whoa.oh.whoa today is the winner of them all. I’m really excited about it- I love chili, I love competitions, I love when all our Crossroads students get together and bring their friends. And I LOVE that the American football team from Napier University is coming to judge the

Two weeks.

Two weeks from today, I will wake up and eat breakfast with my family. In America. How can that be? Didn’t I JUST get here? These five months have crawled and flown at the same time. But nevermind that. They are over now. I’m walking around and treating every quiet moment like a scene in

Thank you.

I know I know. It’s Friday and I should have a Top 5 Friday. But I made a video and I wanted to show you that video. Cause it’s my bloggy and I’ll vlog if I want to… vlog if I want to… vlog if I want to.. you would vlog to if it happened


You know, when do you do a full month of blogging about courage, you miss sharing some important events. Like when I got electrocuted. So. Here’s that story. [You’re welcome in advance.] Let me first start by explaining this – in the USA, we use 120 volts. In Scotland, they use 230 volts. I have

31 Days of Courage :: 31 posts

Day 1 :: 31 Days of Courage Day 2 :: Jesus Day 3 :: Why courage? Day 4 :: Marie-Claire is brave. Day 5 :: Brave palate. Day 6 :: Learning in London Day 7 :: Feathers to rings. Day 8 :: Who are you? Day 9 :: David Day 10 :: Saddle up. Day

Day 31 :: Le Finale

We’ve done it. Somehow, we’ve managed to talk about courage for a full 31 days. And I. Have. Loved. It. There is so much left to say, so much left for me to learn from you, so many more verses and Bible stories to discuss. Stick around… I don’t think we’re quite done with this

Day 30 :: Hide them in your heart.

Yesterday, I listed for you a few of my favorite resources in the courage department. And I would be remiss if I didn’t share a few resources from the Bible. The greatest reminders to be brave can be found on page after page of the Bible. We already talked about some brave Bible characters: Jesus