Author: Annie

Day 28 :: Single

As most of you know, we like to do Top 5 Fridays around here… where we talk about one topic and list five of our favorite things. And so we shall today, this our last Friday in October. Newsflash: I’m single. And I’m 31. But those two facts don’t scare me. They are what they

Day 27 :: Fill in the blank

Today is your day. I just want you to fill in the blank. You’ve heard me talk for 27 days about courage. Now I want to hear you and I want the rest of our sweet community to hear you. Even if you’ve never commented before, maybe today is the day to be brave. Take

Day 26 :: Edinburgh [+ a giveaway!]

I’ve known I would live in Edinburgh since May of 2000. Yep. It took me 11 years to get here. I left Scotland on May 28, 2000, went back to the US, led a small group, graduated college, taught 5th grade, coached soccer and volleyball, worked at a campus ministry, taught 4th grade, volunteered in

Day 25 :: Tatum is brave.

Today for 31 Days of Courage, my sister Tatum is sharing about her super brave life. As in, she’s brave. I’m not. If you’ve ever considered a life of full time missions, she’s your girl. Tatum, take it away. . . . . . When Annie asked me to write a post about courage, I

Day 24 :: Eternal impact.

Courage isn’t a complicated topic to write about. I mean, we all desire to be courageous and we all respect people that we think are brave. But living life courageously is quite another thing. As mentioned way back on Day 3, a lack of courage is nothing more than a lack of understanding. If you

Day 23 :: Queen Esther

All hail the Queen. I love the book of Esther. It’s a fairly short read, I highly recommend it. It’s an amazing story of sacrifice and courage starring this one young girl. Or one little vegetable, as the case may be. 🙂 I wish we could watch the whole episode together and just chat about

Day 22 :: The success side of courage.

FYI. I am in Prague. Three of my best pals from my time at the Wesley Foundation in Athens are missionaries here. And I figured this is probably the best time to get to see their digs. SUCH a beautiful city! Have you been here? Anything I MUST see? Meanwhile, back at the ranch [meaning

Day 21 :: Sing it out.

Congrats to Jenny for winning the beautiful print from Bit O Whimsey! Remember the rest of us get 10% off our purchase using the code ANNIEBLOGS2011 until October 31. Getcha some. . . . . . Happy Friday! Each Friday, we like to list 5 of our favorite things. Play along!   When I decided

Day 20 :: Lois is brave.

Oh friends. You remember Lois- she’s blogged around here before. Pretty much, this post took my breath away. The girl needs to write. A lot. And often. Lois, take it away. . . . . . Why hello there, Annie Blogs readers! For those of you who don’t know me/remember me, my name is Lois

Day 19 :: Rescued by Nashville [+ a giveaway!]

Congrats to Sarah for winning the beautiful board from Glory Haus! Hope it inspires and encourages you, Sarah. We have another gorgeous giveaway today… so keep reading! . . . . . As a quick recap from yesterday: God spoke Nashville into my heart in October of 2007. I moved there, alone with no friends