Author: Annie

Day 18 :: Moving to Nashville.

So many of you reader-bloggy friends have jumped on board in the last few years. Which, I’ll have to say, is just awesome. Welcome. Most of you only know me as Annie in Nashville. [Or, I guess, Annie in Edinburgh.] I’ve been in Nashville since August of 2008, but before that, I was a hometown

Day 17 :: Who loves you? [+ a giveaway!]

For startsies, congrats to BETTY DRAPER on winning the $31 voucher to Printable Scripture. Don’t forget, using the code ANNIEBLOGS2011, the rest of you can get 31% off your purchase at Printable Scripture until the end of the month! But don’t go anywhere… we have another giveaway today! WOOT. . . . . . My

Day 16 :: The boyz… as told by Sally.

Funny thing. You know on Sundays we’ve been talking about brave Bible characters – Jesus and King David, so far. I’ve also been getting a few guest posters- Marie-Claire and Jules, so far. Today I was going to write about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, whom I like to call The Boyz. Yesterday I got my sister

Day 15 :: To write. [+ a giveaway!]

This morning, about ten of us will gather at the Starbucks just down the street. I will get my soy chai and I will nervously massage the handle of the mug. Because I’m nervous. We are gathering, this little crew of 10ish folks, to talk about writing. It so happened that as I got to

Day 14 :: Mama & Daddy.

I like Fridays around these parts. We usually do something fun and exciting and call it a Top 5 Friday. Well, I’m gonna do that today too. But today is extra special. Now, I’ve never been married. But that ain’t for a lack of tryin’. [Can I get an amen from my single sistas out there?]

Day 13 :: Jules is brave.

Jules Tompkins is one of my close friends and absolutely one of the finest writers I know. He’s a freelance writer based out of Phoenix. Hire him if you wanna. You can and should. Email him here. And enjoy this post from him about courage [and cowardice]. . . . . . When we think of

Day 12 :: A £2 mistake.

I am an absolutely, full on, card carrying Good Girl. Of the worst kind. And a few weeks ago, I was a total coward. I mean, a major major coward. It only seems fair, that in a month where I am talking about courage in all of its forms, that I also talk about the

Day 11 :: It starts in your head.

Yesterday was hard. One of the hardest days yet. [Which is funny because a) I didn’t leave my home and b) I didn’t see a single human except my flatmate and the FedEx guy.] As I’ve said before, if I’m not honest in this journey, then I shouldn’t write about it at all. So here

Day 10 :: Saddle up.

I had a very exciting Sunday indeed. And I’m not simply referring to watching Downton Abbey with twenty college girls and then having to defeat this pile of dishes [though that was exciting and courageous]. Before all that happened, I hopped a train to St. Andrews on Sunday morning. Follow me here. My Dad’s first

Day 9 :: David

Last Sunday, we talked about the ultimate example of courage- Jesus. I thought it would be cool to focus on a different Bible character each Sunday, with the following caveats: I don’t know everything that there is to know about the Bible None of these people were perfect I’m not necessarily going to talk about