Author: Annie

Day 8 :: Who are you?

I’m not much of a weekend blogger. I tend to believe that weekends are meant for books and walks outside and long chats over lukewarm chai. Not hanging out on the world wide web. But this month, the only way we hit our 31 Days of Courage is to blog, well, 31 days. And believe

Day 7 :: Feathers to rings. [+ a giveaway!]

About three days before I left Nashville in July, I got feathers put in my hair. It was a symbol for me, a marking of home. Every day I have seen them I am reminded that me and Nashville have got a thing going on. I had dinner here in London with my friend Curt

Day 6 :: Learning in London

There are a handful of you jokers that are new around these parts, so in order for today’s story of courage to make sense, I need to give you some background. My name is Annie and I live in Nashville. I’m an author. I am currently living in Edinburgh, Scotland helping with a new church-

Day 5 :: Brave palate.

When I was in 8th grade, I went on a westward expansion tour with my godparents, Joe and Earlene. It was a trip of firsts for me in many ways- my first flight alone [from Atlanta to Louisiana], my first trip without parents, my first proper french braid. Mom never was one for fancying up

Day 4 :: Marie-Claire is brave.

I thought it would be fun to get a few of my friends to tell you their story of courage. So randomly throughout this month, you will be hearing from some of the brave ones nearest and dearest to me. Marie-Claire grew up as a missionary in France and is now in graduate school in

Day 3 :: Why courage?

Currently, there are over 600 bloggers participating in the 31 Days challenge. Whoa and whoa. And I have scanned the buttons of of those. You see, I want to learn a lot this month. I want to listen to these women [and men!] talk about their area of expertise. In fact, throughout this month

Day 2 :: Jesus.

When I think about courage, at least when I think about it in my own life, it all sorta goes back to the same place. If I was a more strategic writer, I would save this post for the end of October. Le grand finale. Like, “hey, you’ve been reading about courage every day and

31 Days of Courage

I’m not sure this is a great idea. I mean, I usually do whatever The Nester tells me to, but I’m not going to pretend that this isn’t a little scary. It’s not the writing for 31 days straight thing. I think I can handle that. I mean, I’m not the most consistent bloggista in

Top 5 Friday: Fruity.

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . Tomorrow morning is a big day in Scotland. At 8:30am,

Invited in.

Forgive me for abandoning you for the better part of this week. While Betsy was here, I pretty much ignored my little laptop, minus work and writing deadlines, and then yesterday after she left, I thought a lot. Well, I also did my laundry and gathered supplies for Crossroads Church‘s service last night and worked