Author: Annie

THAT’S what I call a weekend.

It’s been a whirlwind couple of days and I’m so happy about it. Friday morning, I popped down to London and visited for a bit with Grant and Lucy, some friends from UGA that are living there. It was fun and we talked through some cultural challenges we have all dealt with. [Just because we

Top 5 Friday: Kids shows!

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . I think one of the funniest things about being an

Half way.

I remember when I ran/walked/crawled the half-marathon in March, I knew it was important to take a picture at the turn, at the halfway point. I don’t remember why I knew that, but I did. [I’m only going to link to the half-marathon post, versus reposting that picture because seriously. A girl has to have

Smile, Wednesday: Downton Abbey Premiere

[UPDATE: It is 2:23pm in Scotland and I am JUST realizing that today is Tuesday. Not Wednesday. Sorry. And weird.] I’ve been a lame blogger this week. Forgive me. But here are tons of pictures from our Crossroads Church Girls Dinner / Downton Abbey Premiere on Sunday night. Yep, Downton Abbey Season 2. I know.

The thing about blogging.

The thing about blogging is that it gives us each a chance to share a few moments of our day with our reader friends. I love blogging when I get to tell about seeing the Royal family or when I learn a new recipe. I love blogging when, in all honesty, the writing is good

Smile Wednesday: Tuesday edition.

Because we have some other things to discuss tomorrow. That’s why. And also. I like to keep you on your toes, people. You need to be ready for anything, any day, you just don’t know what I’m gonna throw your way. If you’ll recall, we did have a Top 5 Friday on a Saturday a

Dear Laura.

Dear Laura, I think about the first time we met- when you were moving in to Marisa’s condo and Betsy and I showed up to give you the key. And not help you at all. 🙂 Thanks for not letting that define us. Over the years, our friendship grew and we simply had a blast

Top 5 Friday: (in)courage

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . I clearly remember when my friend Shannon introduced me to

That kind of week.

It’s been that kind of week, in the best way. I don’t know how much I’ve told you about my role at Crossroads Edinburgh, but it kinda looks like this: take one part secretary and one part organizer, throw it in a blender with an events coordinator, a personal assistant, cruise director, and an interior

Faith pulls weeds.

I want to tell you about the ministry here in Edinburgh. I think you should know about the spiritual side of why I am here… it is why I am here. I want to tell you the absolutely amazing things that God is doing and the challenging things we are facing and the ways we