Author: Annie

Top 5 Friday: Autumnal.

I think that’s a word. Let’s go with it either way. This is my favorite season of the year. Absolutely favorite. And if you live in the UK [I LIVE IN THE UK!], it’s already 60 degrees and the leaves are starting to change. It feels SO right. Like, so so right. Except that all

Smile Wednesday: Around town

The last few weeks have been such a blast. Especially with having the Edinburgh International Book Festival going on! My friends Esther and Harry and I stopped by the festival one day and Harry, not quite being the reader type, looked around and then smiled and me and said, “I’m glad they have something like

Edinburgh Fringe Festival

So the Fringe Festival ends this week, but not before I took some time on Saturday to show it to you! [You’re welcome. I know how you people like your vlogs.] A few things: 1. Have you noticed that I rarely, if ever, let you watch a video without a zillion prefaces first? It’s still

Who talks about packing?

Me. Apparently. I never swore I’d be interesting. But. I did try to be honest and interesting [mildly] in my most recent (in)courage post – The Challenge of Packing. I’d love if you would pop over there and tell me your thoughts. [Also- the last line is missing a word… I’ve told the important people.

Smile, Wednesday: Getting our skype on.

One of the joys of being overseas in 2011 is the ease in connecting with home. Were it 1911, I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to leave home and only get a letter once a month. I like that I can talk to friends and family every day. For example, when I fell on

Top 5 Friday: Go Team Go!

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday Saturday. . . . . . Listen. I know it is Saturday. But there is a

When it rains all day, I make lists.

Which probably means that I will be making a load of lists here in Scotland because 1. It rains, at some point, almost every day. Only the most foolish leave their house without an umbrella, even if it is sunny. 2. Ahem… not that I know what that’s about. 3. Right now, along with tons

Top 5 Friday: Paint them nails!

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday. . . . . . If this topic doesn’t send the small percent of boys

The sounds of that time.

I woke up this morning and as the rain beat my window and my iCal was clear, I decided to play the “I love being single and not having anyone need me right now so I am going to stay in my bed” card. And I played it well, my friends. I love music, but