Author: Annie

Poor Ben: A Bachelorette discussion.

I think I have given you all ample time to watch the season finale of The Bachelorette. As in, I don’t even live in America right now and I’ve already been able to watch it. So this post will continue on discussing all things Bachelorette. If you haven’t seen the finale [or if you don’t

Top 5 Friday: TV on DVD

This week, my friend Sophie made a list on Pioneer Woman’s Entertainment page of her top 5 favorite TV shows that are on DVD. And I was all, “Dear Sophie and Ree, if you wanna play Top 5 Friday, all you have to do is ask!” Because no kidding, I have a list of Top

My new best friend.

Is a rotisserie chicken. I know, I know, you guys have thought of this a zillion times. But the idea of buying a cooked rotisserie chicken and using it all week was a phenom to me. You know, this whole cooking at home this is going pretty well so far. Last Thursday and last Friday

Letters I can’t read.

One of my last nights in Nashville, Lyndsay and her roomies threw me a HAPPY BIRTH-BYE PARTY! [The classic combo of birthday + goodbye party.] It was such a sweet night. Many of our friends came together and we laughed and chatted and sweat to death because GOOD GRACIOUS JULY IS HOT. And behind my back,

A Royal Wedding in Edinburgh!

So in case you didn’t know, there was a royal wedding today in Edinburgh. Zara Phillips, Queen Elizabeth’s granddaughter, married Mike Tindall, England’s Rugby team captain. [And GRACIOUS if you see his face you can tell that man plays a hard hitting sport. Yowsa.] And since it was a gorgie-poo day in Edinburgh, and since

Top 5 Friday: Foodie Blogs

I’ve decided that I want to add more foodie blogs to my google reader. [Our grandparents would totally not understand that sentence.] I have a few that I read and LOVE, but I want more More MORE! With my new I cook or I don’t eat situation, I want to see pictures of beautiful healthy

Inciting incident.

When I read Don Miller’s book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, it kinda changed my life. Great books will do that. I would insert about fifty quotes here if my copy of the book wasn’t in some storage unit on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. [Books are heavy. Very few made

Confused in English.

Hi friends. For starters, how great was Lois’s post on Friday? I know. I’m still impressed. Secondly, thanks for all your prayers last week while we were at camp. It was an amazing week. I didn’t take a lot of pictures, but the American team did. So once they recover from traveling I’m sure the

Top 5 Friday: Meet Lois.

Y’all are gonna love this. My friend here, Lois, asked if she could do the Top 5 Friday post. I don’t know if this was to stay up past bedtime at camp or what, but I’m actually ridiculously impressed with her blogginess. Also, she knows me well, as you will be able to see. Can’t

Summa-summa-summa Camp 2011!

Yes? Anybody? Will Smith reference? You’re welcome. This week I am at camp with our dear friends from Potter’s House in Western Scotland. Hence the reason AnnieBlogs is a quiet place…. perfect for reading or studying or taking a nap. I won’t be back here until after camp, but if you want to keep up