Author: Annie

TOP 5 FRIDAY: Desert island foods!

Let’s pretend we get to go on vacation to a desert island. It’s not the dangerous type of island. It’s more like the island that Brad and Emily got to visit on one of their last Bachelor dates. [Also. Rumor has it they broke up. Hate that. But we only talk about happy things on

Happy Thursday.

As if we didn’t already think it was a Disney-like event. Sigh…… [UPDATE: Some people are saying that this picture is fake and they changed the colors of the dresses and stuff. I hear the concern for journalistic integrity. But I still love the picture. We all cool with that?] You’re welcome.

Smile, Wednesday.

I’m a terrible blogger this week. Forgive me. On with the pictures…. it’s the least I can do for you, friends. Tell me how much you love Graham’s handlebar mustache on the top row center? I. KNOW. Here’s what I need to tell you about my future, according to MASH. I will live in a

TOP 5 FRIDAY: Dream cities!

Well, as long as we are talking about going to faraway cities, let’s make a TOP 5 FRIDAY out of it. [If you are newer-ish to TOP 5 FRIDAYS, you can check out the last few. It’ll catch you up to speed.] Here’s a thing about me. I don’t really want to visit places where

I love Edinburgh in the autumn.

That is absolutely NOT how the song goes. Anyways…. I had a profound experience in Scotland when I was there in January/February. [Here’s a post about why I went to Scotland– just in case you need/want a recap.] I don’t remember the day of said profound experience, but I remember where I was. There is

Sweet CeCe’s $16 Challenge

Before you watch this video, I need to tell you a few things: – I do not know why my voice is so raspy or why my laugh is so ridiculously noise-less. I’m usually [proudly] a loud laugher. But something is a little askew with my voice. – Let me introduce the cast of characters:

TOP 5 FRIDAY: Things you need to know.

You know. I had a great plan to do a legit TOP 5 FRIDAY post today. You know, something awesome like TOP 5 SONGS or something that y’all won’t quit commenting on because we all love our TOP 5 BOOKS. But instead, I’m just going to tell you five things that are keeping me from

Smile and Link, Wednesday.

Kinda like “smile and wink” – get it? Of course you do. The main picture I have for today is something that my co-worker Jeff did without my permission. We like to call her Bald Annie. If that doesn’t make your Wednesday better, I don’t know what will. And I’ll tell you this. If I

Book club: Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand

Well goodness gracious. Y’all went absolutely bananas in the comments last Friday when we listed our Top 5 favorite books. If you haven’t read through them, I encourage it. It’ll take you some time, but it’ll be worth it. Now you’ve got all my wheels [three total] spinning about how we can keep talking about