Author: Annie

TOP 5 FRIDAY: favorite books!

I truly hope you read through the comments of last Friday’s TOP 5 Friday post about most loved songs. People have some GREAT comments. And yes- I did purchase a few of these. It’s just true. I love music. Also. I love books. So today our TOP 5 Friday list is FAVORITE BOOKS! [caveat: this

Nashville Film Festival: Take Me Home

I think you know by now that I absolutely LOVE living in Nashville. I deeply miss my friends and family in Marietta, but Nashville has gone above and beyond to make me fall in love here. This week, the city wooed me again with the Nashville Film Festival. In all honesty, I hadn’t really planned

I’m alive, but don’t ask my shoulders.

They’ll give a different answer. [fatigued shoulders, party of 2.] It breaks my little heart when people on twitter openly discuss my lack of blogging [in a loving and friendly way]. And all I have to say to that is, trust me. I miss blogging far more than you miss me. Because you know what I

TOP 5 FRIDAY: most loved songs!

Ok, so I think this is gonna be supes fun. Let’s make a TOP 5 list every FRIDAY! TOP 5 FRIDAY! Starting today! Yay! [I’m feeling very exclamatory today. Probably has something to do with a lack of sleep. Thanks a mil, boot camp. Now you’re causing me to inappropriately use punctuation.] So, here’s the

Boot Camp is killing my blog.

Because I eat dinner and then go to bed. I’m pretty sure I’m the wildest girl around- you know, in the bed by 9pm and all, cause I gotta be up and smiling by 4:30am. Anyways, I’m terribly sorry about the blog silence. Here are some things: 1. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers last week.

Equally as serious: Big Top Cupcakes.

Thank you for your kind words and thoughts and prayers and emails regarding yesterday’s post. I don’t think you come here day after day to hear me whine about unhealthy thought patterns, but I appreciate you giving me a few days to emotionally vomit all over you computer screen. Today we feature something of equal

All that I know is I’m breathing.

Maybe I opened Pandora’s box a little more than I meant to yesterday talking about exercise, body image, self-talk, etc. I don’t often make my blog a place of SUPER SERIOUS TALK, but sometimes it just happens. Because dear reader, I write my blog. So I write about my life. So some days my life

I can’t blog when I wake up at 4:30am.

Apparently. I kinda dropped off the blogosphere on accident this week. Because, and I can’t believe I’m about to say this, I’ve been waking up at 4:30am for Boot Camp. Yeah. Boot Camp. So to make a long story short, the ladies at Style Blueprint had a Boot Camp deal. I crazily encouraged my friends to