Author: Annie

Oh. So. [fill-in-the-blank].

I want to say AWESOME. Oh. So. Awesome. But my friend Harry from Scotland would not approve. Not one little bit. Harry is the coolest Scottish guy you don’t know. You want to know him, I’m sure. He was the cook at our summer camp in Scotland in 2007 and late one night he stormed

Tuesday round up!

Gather round, cowgirls [and you cowguys out there]. Let’s round up some Tuesday things. Today at (in)courage, I’ve posted an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from my book. So ride on over there and check out Lead With Laced Up Tennies. When I read books, if I like the book, I try to email the author and say

Mondays are for winners.

I think if I keep repeating this to myself, it shall soon become true. I had an absolutely awesome weekend. My sisters were in town, some friends came to town, we watched a lot of basketball and had about forty people over to the house for BBQ. We saw Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors in

Questions for me.

Sorry I have been bloggy absent. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by The Camera Incident of 2011 and the fact that in the last five days I have located TWO GRAY HAIRS on the crown of my head. TWO. Meaning that as of today, I am officially older than I feel, act, or admit. [Kidding.

Good intentions don’t make for good blog posts.

Because I spent 2.5 hours in the kitchen yesterday baking and icing cakes. And my intention was to make it into a few blog posts for your viewing, reading, and baking pleasure. And I photographed every step because I used my Big Top Cupcake Bake Set and took lots of pictures and created funny captions

What I’m reading….

Holley Gerth did an amazing post on (in)courage called Cyber Sabbath. Let me recommend you read it and let me recommend you live it. [I’m starting to take the Sabbath seriously. I think we all should.] This post on Rabbit Room about authors having small houses in which they write makes me jealous and excited

Weights & Wings.

Oh y’all. You know I love to tell you about great music. Mumford and Sons. Dave Barnes. The Civil Wars. Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors. And today? It is Mr. Matt Wertz. There are a few musicians in town whose music I liked before I lived here. In most cases, becoming friends with the musician

Gettin’ hit by the culture stick.

(For starters, we will discuss Matt Wertz’s new album tomorrow [oh yes we will] because it is a beautiful piece of work.) For today, I want to tell you about Adam and Wes and M&Ms and the Belcourt Theater. I’m going to use Adam and Wes’s real names because you are going to totally be

From Head to Foot :: Update

It’s been a few weeks [maybe even months?] since we talked about the fact that I wrote a book and you can read that book. This blog is not about my book. But the blog and that book have the same author and there could be a chance that you are new here and don’t

A bicycle mistake.

The Half-Marathon was on Sunday. We had to be in Seaside on Saturday to pick up our packets- you know, the packets that say “now that you have this number in your hands, you actually have to show up for the race.” I didn’t really want that number exactly. But I sorta did. I’m glad