Author: Annie

If I don’t make it, you can have my car.

You may or may not recall this, but I have made a really bad decision. I’ve paid real American money to compete in a half-marathon. Thirteen miles. Next Sunday. Only nine days from today. And seriously. What a dumb decision. I don’t like running. I never have. I loved playing soccer, but not because of

@BradWomack, I hope you are real.

I love The Bachelor. I hope you do too. [Otherwise, this post is going to be daunting for you.] For starters, I like all the girls that are left. Emily is the cutest and she used to live here in Nashville apparently and the whole of her Nash-life adores her. [I love rumors.] Ashley is

Rangers Game.

I am going to try to remain seated as I type this post but I will be honest and say that this experience may have been the highlight of my trip to Scotland. [Somewhere across the ocean, my Scottish friends are shaking their fist at their computer screens and saying, “SHE SAID SHE LIKED US

Last day in Scotland.

It’s my last day here. I can’t believe that is even true. It has flown by and yet it feels like many-a-moon ago that I was in Nashville. I insist on apologizing again for my lack of blogging. I just don’t have anything to say. The serious stuff sounds cheesy and to just tell you

Smile, Wednesday: Scotland stuff.

I know. It’s been a week. Even when I had my tonsils out I continued to blog. But apparently when I live in another first world country, I can’t fit it into my schedule. [That’s not truly the reason.] Here’s the thing. I’m processing so many things. I feel like the dryer of my soul

Halfway done, yet just beginning.

I’m having a hard time blogging serious things while I’m here in Scotland. It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just that I already struggle naturally with knowing what to outwardly process and what to ponder in my heart [Luke 2:19], and when I am sitting alone in my room outside of Edinburgh, Scotland,

Sounds of home.

This is a happy Tuesday in Nashville. Very happy indeed. And me thinks you will enjoy all three reasons. #1. THE CIVIL WARS This is the best $7.99 you are going to spend today. Get Barton Hollow by The Civil Wars. Please. It’s like turning on your grandma’s radio in the kitchen. It makes you

Monkey bread gone rogue.

Well. That was a failure. Let me say that after experiencing the Haggis meal [made by a BOY none the less], I thought I [a well trained Southern lady] should contribute to our next team meal- Sunday brunch. What is more American [and easy but awesome] than Monkey Bread? Just in case you don’t know,


Let me go ahead and relieve your troubled minds- I survived it. But also let me go ahead and warn you- the following pictures are graphic. Oh yeah, Americans. There she is. You don’t know what haggis is, you say? Well, I’m just gonna let you read up on the Wikipedia page for haggis. Cause

They don’t know.

The team of Scots that I am working with here is stellar. I didn’t know any of them before arriving, I only know the Americans that lead the ministry team. So. The Scots? They. Are. Awesome. I am super-dee-dooper enjoying getting to know them, spending time with them, and building friendships. It’s kinda my way-