Author: Annie

In honor of my friends.

I wrote about my Nash-friends today over at (in)courage. The piece is called A Moment of Bliss. Here is some inside scoop I didn’t put in the article: a.   we danced the night away b.   to the point that the people who owned the place asked if monkeys had been there [because of

After one week…

My journal is full. My blog is empty. I don’t know how to say what I want to say. [out of words? it happens.] I want to remember the Indian dinner with moments of tears the laughter with surprisingly new friends the hugs with those I’ve missed the car rides with old friends walks on

Uh, why are you in Scotland?

I’ve gotten this question quite a few times, so I realize I probably haven’t told you enough details. Let the interview begin. Are you on vacation? No. Are you on sabbatical? Nope. Laughable. People who work really hard and are highly stressed in their jobs get a sabbatical. I try not to do either of

Smile, Wednesday : Welcome to Scotland!

First of all, here are those crazy doors I was telling you about yesterday– Makes more sense now, yes? Sorry- now you can see why that was such a challenge to describe. Here’s my moment in the Amsterdam airport– Free hour of wi-fi? Thank you, Dutch people, thank you. And thank you for your mad

I’m in the Amsterdam airport.

And I’m not scared. [thanks for your comments about this airport!] Though they do have all these metal doors in the middle of the walkways. Meaning, you can be walking from gate to gate and right smack in the center of the terminal are three metal doors longways. They lead to nothing- not rooms or hallways

Two stories about my car.

I cleaned my car on Saturday. First I’ll tell you about a discovery while cleaning. Then I will tell you the reason for the cleaning. Story #1: A Discovery While Cleaning My bestie Betsy was in town and we drove through the car wash. Deep conversation. A small bag of M&Ms. Paying a dollar extra

I’m scared.

A few nights before I left for college, I remember staying up for hours and weeping over the fear of going off to school. Leaving my parents, leaving my sisters, leaving my friends, my life, my normal. I remember clearly sitting on the side of my bed, in the dark, saying out loud to God,

My Christmas is now your Christmas.

I got two gifts this Christmas that I just must tell you about. I love them and you have the chance to love them as well. [These gifts were not given as a “will you blog about me?” gift. These were real gifts. From the Magi. I’m kidding. I’m not Jesus. But I thought that

Leader’s Guide!

Happy weekend, friends! While I’m not typically a weekend blogger, it is snowing here in Nashville and the idea of exiting my fleece pajamas for any other less snuggly type of clothing seems nightmare-ish. So I shall blog. Which is good. Because I totes forgot to tell you yesterday afternoon when the Leader’s Guide for

My favorite hobby.

I have always wanted to have a really cool hobby. I don’t know… it just seems like stamp collectors and quilters [props to the other Annie Downs!] and antiquers all have super cool hobbies and can go to conferences and speak their own language and such. I’m jealous. Since writing is my full-time gig, I’ve