Author: Annie

The Sing-Off LIVE y’all.

Did you watch The Sing-Off these last few weeks on television? It’s a great show. Acapella groups competing against each other. Beautiful stuff. Some local Nashville dudes called Street Corner Symphony came in second. [But they are winners in our hearts.] And Tuesday night, they performed here in Nashville. Now, it’s not every day that

11 things for 2011.

1. How much do you love Annie Parsons? I. KNOW. Me too. 2. I leave for Scotland in exactly 2 weeks. People keep asking me if I have a list of what to pack or a long list of things to complete before I go. And I keep saying no. Which is concerning. If other

I’m here.

I’m just writing. [for (in)courage….] And holiday-ing. And spending time with family. And partying. And dancing. And writing. [some new stuff….] And resting. And writing. [That leader’s guide is killin’ me.] And hanging with friends. And enjoying all the musicians being home from their tours. And running. [ugh.] And laughing. So all that to say…

Book Release Party! [in photos]

What an amazing night. It was cool that so many of our friends gathered together at Daily Grind and hugged and chatted and laughed and talked about things like, “Hey, remember that time you moved to Nashville to write a book? I didn’t think you’d do it. You did. See you later.” TONS more pictures

One month from today.

In exactly 30 days, I land in Scotland for a four week adventure that I have anticipated, on some deep-in-my-knower levels, since 2000. I don’t even know how to talk about it. I have so many questions for God. I hope Scotland holds those answers. Maybe not the place itself, but the time. The distance.

Fleece twins.

I grabbed lunch this week with Mandy and her two boys and Alison and her two girls. It was a full table at Chick-fil-A. It was a fun table at Chick-fil-A. And one time, when Alison was telling me a story, she was talking so loud and excitedly that another patron at the restaurant shushed

Yes, I love technology.

…but not as much as you, you see. But I still love technology. Always and forever. [Name that movie, people.] Here are three reasons why I love technology: #1. My book is available on your Kindle! Here is the link :: [yes, it looks very similar to the tiny url to the regular book-

Hawaiian moments.

[I’m not done talking about our dreams. But give me a few days….] There are a few moments I want to share with you from our trip to Hawaii. Do you recall this moment when our family rode in a big canoe? Here we are. So fun, right? Then, our canoe sank. And because my

You may say I’m a dreamer. But I’m not the only one.

Please, please tell me that you have read the comments from the “My Dream Is” post. They are gorgeous and real and I can’t quit reading them. Have you left your dream yet? Cause I want you to. For realz. It feels so good. [It hurts so good? Maybe.] I don’t know how to process

Just say it.

Well, these last two days have certainly been a whirlwind. Not the scary tornado type, but the awesome warm windy Oz kind. We have no clue how many copies of From Head to Foot have been sold in the first 48 hours, and that doesn’t totally matter. What was awesome was that social media was