Author: Annie


First of all, the book comes out today. Yay yay yay! Here is the link :: [By the way, that’s the link that I implore you to share with your social media world. Thanks.] Thanks again to Westbow Press. I could not have done this without them. Literally. Now. Let’s talk about Seattle. It

Bloggites, you win. You always do.

So because you always win, you get first dibs on buying my book. I wanted to do something special for my blog friends to celebrate the release of the book, so I made some calls and this is what me and my buddies pulled together. Here are the details: – Autographed [by me!!!] copy of

Help Portrait 2010

I love Help-Portrait. Help Portrait is a global movement [literally- over 50 countries!] of photographers using their time, gear, and expertise to give back to those in need. It’s so awesome. It is the one day a year when photographers who sign up gather with other photographers in their city and take free portraits for

The ole girl got a face lift.

And no, this is not some personal plastic surgery announcement. Rude. I’m talking about AnnieBlogs here. Now, I haven’t gone and done something crazy like a redesign [I mean, if it ain’t broke… or better said, if I wasn’t broke…]. So I guess it’s more like a renovation, an addition. So face lift is wrong.

My welcome home.

Five hour flight from Honolulu to San Francisco. Two hour layover in San Fran. Minus the Tanner family. [Full House joke!] Five hour flight from San Francisco to Atlanta. One hour drive to Marietta. One hour with the family at home. Three and a half hour drive to Nashville. That’s a serious amount of travel.

Leaving Hawaii….

Or as they say here, “Ha-vi-ee”. Which I think is funny. We’ve been spending time together as a family and I’ve not really spent tons of time on ye old blog. Don’t take it personally. We’ve had a great time- meeting Tatum’s friends, eating Thanksgiving in multiple places, hanging on the North Shore, eating at

Your book questions. My book answers.

Two weeks. Two weeks from today. Tuesday, December 7th, 2010. That is the day. THE DAY. The day that we will all scurry to Amazon and type in “Annie Downs” and then purchase From Head to Foot. So mark it down, yo. [It may be available on Amazon before the 7th, but if we all

Guess where I’m going?

Last year, for Thanksgiving, I was in New York City for the Macy’s parade. This year? I’m headed here.

Smile, Wednesday.

Four links that will make your day:: Marisa is doing a book giveaway for Shauna Niequist’s new book Bittersweet. Go ahead. Be the winner. Kate’s Great Ornament Exchange 2010 is on! Join in. It’ll be fun and awesome. Fun-some. Fuwesome. Whatevs. Emily wrote the sweetest post about this past weekend and I kinda am heartsick

Well. Hope there weren’t any typos.

Because I signed off on the cover and the galley. So pretty much I put my pen to paper and signed my name, saying, “so… if there are any issues on the inside of this little puppy, it’s totally my fault.” Which. Truly. Some of the jokes are so dumb in this book that you