Author: Annie


The trees. Emily. Her dear family. The stories told while laying around in pajamas. Warm days and cool nights. Lunch conversations that light fires. Nester and Mr. Gary. Rounds of Old Maid and Go Fish with giggling kids. A comfy bed in a warm house. The soul talks with other writers that really KNOW what

Weekend is upon us.

And aren’t we all just grateful? I know I am. For starters, I missed my blog birthday. And if you recall how I feel about my REAL birthday, it is absolutely ridiculous that I would forget my blog birthday. Apparently I forgot in 2007, in 2008, and believe it or not, I forgot in 2009.

Wednesday is a list.

Instead of pictures. Sorry ’bout it. I just have an absolutely insane week and to try to compose anything more than a list would cause my head to explode. Yuck. List. Here we go. 1. CMAs It is a big week in Nashville- CMA Awards and the like. Make sure you watch the awards tonight

I drank a piece of cake.

A few things before we get to the topic at hand [I literally DRANK a piece of cake!]: – I read every.single.thing you recommended last week. Thank you so much. – For your sweet comments regarding my soon-to-be-released book, thank you so much. – For your co-love of Mumford & Sons, thank you very much.

The greatest concert I’ve ever seen.

It’s been three days and I still don’t know how to write this blog post. Let’s just start. Okay? Okay. I love going to concerts. But here’s something you probably don’t know about shows in Nashville- the crowd is snobby. Because, you know, 3/4 of the audience is in “the biz.” The crowd crosses their

Today I want to read.

I have set aside two hours today to read. And I just would love to read some good blog posts. Funny. Serious. Recipe. Your favorite post of your own. Your favorite post from someone else. A big announcement on your blog. A big heartbreak. A daily thing. Whatevs it is… I’d just like to read

Out of my control.

So the book is turned in. And it is now officially out of my control. Praise the Lord. And to be real honest with you, it was a bit anti-climactic. I mean, “yay! I pushed send on an email and now the book is gone into cyberspace.” For you possible future authors, let’s talk deets.

A book I won’t write.

Y’all know I wrote a book. And it is getting published by Westbow. And on Monday, there will be celebrations and confetti and explosions and a sneak peek at the back cover and the book will be turned in and the next step will begin. What is that next step? Yeah…. I dunno. I’ll tell

Toddler Thursday.

[Thanks for hearing me out on Tuesday. We’ll all just keep surfin’ on.] Last weekend, one of my biggest Nash-dreams came true. Haley and her two tiny people came to visit. And since today’s is HALEY’S BIRTHDAY!!!!!, me thinks it is the perfect day to feature her and her family on ye old blog. Just

I’m not a good surfer.

I’m watching television and the guy is surfing. He can barely keep himself upright. The waves are coming one.after.another. and what he lacks in skill he makes up for in effort. Bless his heart. He’s drowning. The pro-surfer girl beside him keeps saying, “Hang on, paddle, breathe.” He finally gives up and floats in. He