Author: Annie

Marcel will make your Monday.

Tip of the ole hat to Jamie Tworkowski from To Write Love on Her Arms for sharing this video. I think it is genius and cute and hilarious and it makes Monday not hurt so deep. —— Also… I just have to share this picture of Shelby with you. [You know Shelby. I’m her aunt

Save Blue Like Jazz.

Raise your hand if you have read Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. Many of you, I see. It’s a good book. Nay, a great book. So listen. Here’s the thing. If you read A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, you know this already- Blue Like Jazz was going to be a movie. But

A beautiful death.

I can’t help but be amazed by the trees this time of the year. Distracting almost, aren’t they? The vibrant colors. The way the sun shines through the leaves. The darkening of the bark. It is absolutely beautiful. And yet, is it weird that we are marveling at the end of the cycle, the death

Before it’s too late fruit salad

That’s not the official name. I just have meant to share this recipe for a few weeks and I’m worried that if we don’t go ahead and get this out there, we will miss the fruit salad window. [I wish I had a fruit salad window. I bet that would be lovely.] Asked to bring

Book talk.

I just can’t even tell you how much I love talking about Westbow Press and this book. It’s not a pride thing [I hope!] but instead, I hope this is a fun story for you to hear. And maybe, just maybe, there is this “thing” that you’ve always wanted to do; and I hope you


Two years ago, my mother purchased for me a beautiful blue dress. It fit so sweetly and had a bubble bottom. [Not me. The dress.] I love it. But I tend to “overwear” things. Meaning, I wore this dress to Brooke’s wedding, then NYE 2008, then possibly NYE 2009, and Emily’s wedding and well, it’s

Le Whirlwind.

That’s what I’ve been living. Also, “le whirlwind” is French for “crazy travels.” I think. Let me tell you about the last ten days or so….. Thursday 9/30 :: Drive to Atlanta. Attend a baby shower in Woodstock, where I used to teach school. Friday 10/1 :: Drive to Jackson County, GA, home of my

Catalyst // Thursday

Don’t be mad when I tell you that at time of writing, it is still Thursday night. I have just gotten back to the hotel and I’m sitting on my bed, in the quiet, tears streaming down my face. It has been that type of day. I have lots of pictures, but they are on