Author: Annie

Well. Prepare yourself. For laughs.

Because this is the funniest moment of your day. ALL THE LIVE LONG YESTERDAY I had “I come to you with expectations, Baton Rouge…” running through my head. That junk is funny. Dave and Andrew will be out and about for the next few weeks and there will be a special handshake for any AnnieBlogs


Yesterday was my Dad’s 60th birthday. And listen. You don’t even want to get me started on my Dad. He’s just the greatest. Dad has done an amazing job of loving our family. I’m going to do the best I can to tell you about him, but the truth is that there are a few

I love Scotland in the wintertime.

[That may not be how the song goes…. just move along…..] If you would have told me when I was 22 that I would be 30 and single, I wonder what I would have done differently. Don’t get me wrong- I think God led me and guided me and gave me the most beautiful decade

#thisisawesome & #youguysarefunny

For starters, I have gotten around a gazillion emails in the last 24 hours telling me how funny your comments were yesterday when we learned about/talked about hashtags. Well played, my friends. Well played. I should call on your humor more often because you straight up delivered. I promised a prize. Let me tell you

Hashtags have taken over.

If you are on twitter, you probably already know about hashtags. Let me define “hashtag” for you. On twitter, if you want to add your tweet to a search category, you would add a # sign in front of the search word. For example, See? So if you wanted to see what people are saying

My k(in)d of weekend.

I had one of those weekends. The k(in)d that just absolutely blesses the deepest part of your soul. Holley and Stephanie are two of my very favorite people ever. They both love me like we were born from the same family and I’ve always wanted older sisters. Jen makes me laugh and I love hearing

Where in the world is AnnieBlogs?

I have two thoughts: 1. I wanted to make a Carmen Sandiego joke, but it was too hard. 2. I wanted to make Waldo joke, but it was also too hard. So I’m just going to tell you. I’m at Hilton Head Island with twelve of the girls who write for (in)courage with me. DaySpring

A confession about a confession.

Here is my confession. I wrote an article for (in)courage about my girlfriends in Nashville. And I didn’t tell them. Or ask their permission. I just did it. Oops. You can read it here- A Community Confession. But don’t tell the girls. First I’ve got to figure out my apology for posting their picture on

Seen it. Read it. Heard it.

I said, “I challenge you, traditional media, to impress me!” And traditional media [or quasi-traditional media] answered with a vengeance. I have recently enjoyed a few great movies, a few great albums, and a plethora of great books. I’m talking books as far as the eye can see. [That’s a blatant exaggeration.] Let’s start with

Let’s have an honest conversation.

I love blogging. Y’all know I do. In fact, some people [like Marisa] would say that blogging is my love language. And those some people would probably be right. But it takes a lot of time. To write the posts. To reply to comments. To think about the future posts. It’s a beautiful use of