Author: Annie

Enjoying the quiet.

Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God. (NIV) Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God. (The Message) Arríªtez, et sachez que je suis Dieu. (French) Fermatevi e riconoscete che io sono DIO. (Italian) Quédense quietos, reconozcan que yo soy Dios. (Spanish) Let be and

Dear Shelby.

Dear Shelby Jennings Boatman, I don’t know when, if ever, you will actually read this. But I’ve gotten in the habit of writing letters to my friends’ babies and well, you are my friend’s baby. Like, a really brand spankin’ new baby. Shelby, I want to tell you something. For the rest of my life,

I was just searching for videos that made me weepy.

Ok, not really. But it happened. Enjoy these while I spend my Saturday at the hospital with the Boatmans waiting on their baby to be born! [that’ll probably make me weepy, too] [Also, my official title today is “AnnieBlogs, honorary aunt in charge of waiting room entertainment.” Oh, you better believe I take that title

Ugly feet.

I had a long list of MUST DOs the week before I left for Lake Geneva Youth Camp, including: go to the bank [I just drive thru and say, “so, there’s still a little somethin’ somethin’ in there, yeah?” Sometimes they frown and that means, “Sorry, sister.”] change the sheets on my bed finish laundry

Chicago Fire!

So you know how I feel about professional soccer. I heart it. Mucho. After an amazing week at Lake Geneva Youth Camp, I rode the train back to Chicago to hang a few days with one of my besties, Betsy. If there is anything I have learned about myself as a speaker, it is this:

I’m a survivor.

Like Beyonce. Whew. Forgive my lack of posting as of late. The sickness that took me the edge of myself has finally receded. I don’t know what kind of Yankee Bug that was, but good gracious. You Wisconsinians know how to grow ’em! I have a great plan for all the things I need to

El Virus.

The girls at Lake Geneva Youth Camp were with me. Every time I turned around someone was handing me a bag of M&Ms [my very favorite candy, as you know]. Well, it appears that they are equally as enthusiastic about sharing their germs as they are about sharing their circles of chocolate. Because I

Favorite moments- Lake Geneva style.

Oh, wow. I can’t even begin to tell you how great this week was. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your prayers. Truly. I’m hanging out and resting a few days in Chicago before I head back to Nashville. I have lots to share with you from camp, but for today, just