Author: Annie


It has been a challenging couple of weeks for me. I’ve been busy beyond my capacity to handle with grace. It’s a lot to explain, but it has to do with prepping for Lake Geneva Youth Camp combined with a two co-workers being in Africa and a third co-worker being on maternity leave and the

In Canada, they call it a “reno”

As in, renovation. You say it like “reh-no,” not “ree-no.” Just so you know. I learned this from Sarah. Sarah has a house. And a show. On HGTV. It’s called Sarah’s House. And I want to be her friend. [Sarah, can we be friends?] As you know, I am currently nesting. I have no idea

That’s a face only a mother could love.

I used to have two friends named Katie/Katy. I call them my Homophones. [nerd joke nerd joke] [Dear Annie, don’t post horrible pictures of yourself AND make nerd jokes. Unless you want to die alone.] Back to why I lost my friends. I’m not longer friends with Katie because she took this picture. And then

Twirling… into the weekend.

I have literally never said this before and I’m afraid I will never say it again. But this article, Turning, is probably my favorite thing I’ve had the pleasure of writing. I’m so so proud that I get to post it at (in)courage– it’s like my beach house for writing, so I go there as

Scariest 10 minutes of my day.

Well, this will keep you [ME] up at night and make you [ME] rewrite and reread every talk you [I] have planned for Lake Geneva to make sure that you’re [I’M] not a total tool. [This video is obviously a parody. But maybe close to true? Sc-uh-air-eeee. Scary.] Thanks to my awesome friend Missy at

What I’m [fill in the blank]

What I’m [sure is the weirdest post title ever] = this one. What I’m [reading] = The Fiddler’s Gun by Pete Peterson. I’m 1/2 of the way through and I’ll give it a B-. Don’t buy it yet, unless you have a Kindle. Then it’s only $2. TWO AMERICAN DOLLARS. Get it. What I’m [also

Blessed are the peacemakers.

I have a long standing love and respect for Invisible Children. Last week, in the bombings in Uganda, IC lost one of their guys, Nate Henn. I didn’t know Nate. But I know and love my friends at IC, and working at Mocha Club– we have a deep love for IC as co-workers on the

The most beautiful of birthdays.

I’m going to let the pictures do the talking. Because truthfully, I can’t talk about my birthday dinner/party without crying. In fact, I didn’t even make it through the creation of this glorified slideshow without boo-hooing. Because I am overwhelmed. Still. A week later. Enjoy the gorgie-poo decor… and the delicious food… and the beautiful