Author: Annie

My twin is a Hispanic mother.

If you watch the Bachelorette, you know Roberto. If you watched last night, you met Roberto’s mom. If you’ve seen Roberto’s mom, you have met my twin. I mean, truly. Look at this. That pretty much looks like my face. Bi-za-rro. Also. Forgive me, my hair is dirty and it was 10:45pm, so I’m not

Post-Sunday sundries

Part A: I’m 30. Thank you for all your sweet words on my birthday last week. I can’t wait to tell you all about the party my dear friends threw for me. It blew me away. For realz. Here’s a teaser to whet your appetite. I mean, are you dying or are you dying?!? How

30 years of beautiful things.

Today is my 30th birthday. Above all else, I’m celebrating 30 years of God doing beautiful things. So I thought that I’d let Gungor sing to us for my birthday. I heart this song. Mucho. [Gonna take a little bloggy break through the weekend. See y’all Monday!]

My Mocha Club desk.

I don’t know if this is a new series I’m starting or if I’m just completely weird, but ever since I wrote about my writing table a few weeks ago, I’ve wanted to show you my desk at Mocha Club as well. 1. The desk itself- a folding table. Impressivo, eh? But listen, in the

Smile, Wednesday (6.30.10)

Look at me, remembering two weeks in a row to keep up with Smile, Wednesday. [Patting myself on the bloggy back.]

That could have gone better.

Welp. The two teams that I was cheering for in the World Cup got booted this weekend. First the USA with a disappointing loss to Ghana. Sure, we didn’t deserve to go farther that the Top 16. But it still stings. I’ll be honest with you. And though Ghana is my second favorite African nation,

World Cup Part 2

If you didn’t see the US game on Wednesday morning, I’m sorry for you. Because good gracious it was a beaut. Please take a few minutes and watch this AMAZING video from Landon Donovan’s goal scoring moment. [I tried to embed it, but it isn’t working. Trust me, I’ve wasted 45 minutes of my LIFE

Smile, Wednesday. (6.23.10)

I think I want to reinstate Smile, Wednesday. I tend to take so many pics on Anita the iPhone and then they just sit there. I think that is lame. So welcome to the return of Smile, Wednesday. I have a question here. Isn’t “drowned” the correct past tense of “drown”? I googled it and

Buddies at the Bluebird.

My friend Annie introduced me to the Bluebird Cafe in 2008. To this day, it is one of the greatest gifts she has ever given me. I go as often as possible. If you don’t know about the Bluebird, it is easy to explain. Artists in Nashville play at the venues around town. Songwriters in

He’s simply the best.

I don’t think anyone can predict what they will be like as a parent. You can hope, I guess, or think “this is the kind of parent I want to be.” But I don’t think you can really know. Until you are one. And I don’t think my Dad could have ever known that he