Author: Annie

A Brave Story : Kourtni

[Once a week, I am going to be sharing with you a brave story sent in from a reader. You can comment, respond, encourage. Want to submit your own story or a story of a brave friend of yours? Head to!] This week’s #thatisbrave story comes from Kourtni. Cute name, huh? This story is

I am in Ecuador!

By the way… I am in Ecuador! It’s not quite as sudden a trip as this blog post may seem. Sorry I haven’t told you sooner. (I’ve instagrammed though, so you can check over there!) I am here with Compassion International to see projects that I will hopefully have an opportunity to talk about in

A Brave Story : Lydia

[Once a week, I am going to be sharing with you a brave story sent in from a reader. You can comment, respond, encourage. Want to submit your own story or a story of a brave friend of yours? Head to!] This week’s #thatisbrave story comes from Lydia. If you need a reminder of

Why IF:Local Matters

In just a few weeks, I’ll be in Austin, Texas for IF:Gathering. Lucky for me, just like last year, I get to be part of the hosting team along with my great pal Joy Eggerichs, particularly hosting the IF:Local livestream. Ever since last February, it has been hilarious how many people at churches or events

What I learned about God from Nicole and Jimmy.

Please tell me you’ve seen this clip with Jimmy Fallon and Nicole Kidman from Tuesday night’s episode of The Tonight Show? Where Nicole tells him that ten years ago she hung out with him thinking they could maybe be a thing- both were single and she was interested. He thought it was a hang out

A Brave Story : Barrett

[Once a week, I am going to be sharing with you a brave story sent in from a reader. You can comment, respond, encourage. Want to submit your own story or a story of a brave friend of yours? Head to!] This week’s #thatisbrave story comes from Barrett. Oh man this one has me

Afternoon Distraction: Slap Her

I love this video. I love that they are speaking Italian and they are my favorite adorable age- I used to teach 4th/5th grade, so dudes in that age bracket are like kryptonite for me. I love them so. Bottom line is the message is so so good and I just checked flight costs to Italy

Hello, 2015.

Here’s what New Years Eve was like. Friend-ful. That’s how I’ve spent the last few weeks. Surrounded by people that I love, wearing sparkly things, or laying on the couch watching The Paradise. (If you like Downtown Abbey, you’ll love The Paradise. Think Downton, but set in a department store instead of a mansion. Yeah,

Let’s All Be Brave Gift Guide

If you are Santa (you aren’t. Santa is real.), then I want to be your elf. For the next few days, I want to help you. If you are going to gift one of my little books, I want to share with you some easy things that go along with the book, in case you

A Brave Story : Ida

[Once a week, I am going to be sharing with you a brave story sent in from a reader. You can comment, respond, encourage. Want to submit your own story or a story of a brave friend of yours? Head to!] This week’s #thatisbrave story comes from Ida . I think so many of