Author: Annie

World Cup.

I wanted to warn you in the title, in case you hate soccer, sports, or the World Cup. Cause that’s all we are discussing today. Because people, I love the World Cup. Back when AnnieBlogs was just a twinkle in my MacBook’s eyes [so pre-November 2006], I used to be an avid soccer player. And

My writing table.

I have long wanted to use this table well. It used to be my grandmother’s. It sat in her bedroom, beside her bed. I’ve had it since she passed away in 1999, but this is the first time I feel like it is being fully appreciated. And by that, I mean, “many-a-stacks live here.” I sat


When I was in New York, I walked. A lot. And I absolutely slaughtered the battery on my iPhone, whom you know goes by the name Anita. [She’s cute. I like her a lot.] I really enjoyed the soundtrack idea. Like, as I walked, the songs that played felt like my daily soundtrack. [I always


I’m not going to tell you about last week. From start to finish, it was rough. I mean ROUGH. And like I mentioned yesterday, I was lucky to have my dear friend Marie-Claire come hang for a bit. It was much needed and much enjoyed. When she left on Sunday, I grabbed my pool bag

Snack Attack.

I had an awesome weekend. A good friend came in town for Saturday and Sunday morning and then I headed to the pool Sunday afternoon. [side note: blogging about that tomorrow. preview: I proposed to a man in the pool.] I absolutely love the snack attack feeling that occurs post-pool time. I recall a day

The blog is quiet because Nashville is crazy.

It’s every-tour-bus-come-to-town week! Also known as CMAFest, also known as FanFare. Also known as Fanny-Packs-of-Country-Music-Unite! And Nashville is crazy busy. So, alas, I am crazy busy. Fan club parties. CMT Awards watching and discussing of outfits. A trip to the Bluebird Cafe. Everyone is home and everyone is busy and it is super fun. But

Go back.

I used to hate going to the gym. I mean, I would pay for a membership and go every now and again, but I didn’t enjoy it. One of the best parts of the Get Fit Challenge is that I grew to enjoy the gym. [Ok, “enjoy” is a strong word. Maybe I should say that

Why I’m forcing myself to read Howard’s End.

1. I found it on my bookshelf and I figured… 2. I should read the books that are on my bookshelf. 3. I don’t know how or when I purchased it, but at some point in my life I found this novel to be worth my hard-earned $6.95. 4. I bought it at Barnes &

These are a few of my favorite things.

I just have to make a list. You know how I feel about lists. — I just finished reading the third book in Mary DeMuth’s Defiance Texas Triology. It’s called Life in Defiance and I am telling y’all, this has been one of the most enjoyable series I have read in a while. I highly

A memory.

A few years ago, Molly and I met up with Haley at a Moe’s Restaurant. It was Haley’s birthday and she was pregnant with her first kid. [Jarrett, who has, in his 3 years of life, single-handedly won my heart like no other male has done [to date].] We decided to give Haley magazine subscriptions