Author: Annie

I’m gonna need your eyes and your ears.

First of all, thank you for your sweet comments and personal emails you sent yesterday, and for the last week, regarding the floods here. In fact, I got multiple emails from people headed our way to help volunteer. Amazing. Here’s a few things for you on your Tuesday. Tuesday is always the day that new

See for yourself.

I could tell you about the piles of personal items out on the streets. Or I could tell you about the sore muscles from ripping out cabinets, walls, insulation, and every other thing in a water soaked home. I could tell you how I teared up as I cleaned out Terry’s linen closet, as he

Internet Nerd.

I wanted to make a joke about being “bloggy-promiscuous” here, but really. I think that’s probably inappropriate. I’m not sure of the level of inappropriate, but it is probably somewhere above my average don’t-write-that level. “Internet nerd” is a good enough title I guess, but it lacks zing. Sorry. But here’s the thing. I’ve got

Stories of rain.

I’m not in Nashville right now, but just reading, watching, and hearing the stories of my friends surviving the floods is unbelievable. It happened like this in Atlanta in September. The water came so quickly. No one could prepare- and even if you could, how do you prepare for five feet of water in your

Get Fit-ish things.

Still feeling a bit puny, but I wanted to share with y’all the updates from the Get Fit challenge. If you can believe it, we only have THREE weeks left. That is crazy to me. Thirteen weeks have come and gone. Wow. Here’s the link to this week’s post about going rock climbing (pictures included).

NYC. Why I oughta….

Nov 2009, NYC gave me raging food poisoning. April 2010, NYC gave me the flu or some type of virus that dresses like the flu. My roommate says, “fast onset, high fever, sounds like a virus to me.” So. That’s neat. I spent all of Wednesday on the couch, taking my temperature over and over

An orange in the fridge.

I’m not a super great roommate. [Don’t tell all those boyz that are clamoring to marry me, okay?] I just get busy and throw my stuff around and forget to bring the spoons back in from my car [I like to eat yogurt on the way to work] and I accidentally delete shows off the

If I can make it there, …..

then it will be a miracle because you know I have THE WORST sense of direction of all time and I have to take a car to a plane to a plane to a taxi to a subway to a train. I bet that you can guess by the post title where I am today


Sorry it’s been a few days, friends. I spent the weekend in Kansas City for the wedding between one of my favorite dudes (Jules) and the sweetest girl, Bethany. The fun times did not stop. I laughed, heartily, multiple times. The wedding was gorgeous- as soon as my technology quits revolting against me, I’ll upload

And then there were none.

Y’all know I’m a nanny part-time. For one family. I’ve been hanging with these jokers for some portion of every week for the last year and a half. And I don’t know when it happened, I couldn’t pinpoint the day, but at some point we went from nanny and family to just, well, family. Simply