Author: Annie

Get Fit Catch Up. Video style.

I’ve been accidentally holding out on you. Not because I’m selfish, though, I might be just a smidge selfish. [Human. Sue me.] But I mainly just forgot. All I can think about is “Thursday is coming and my blog video is due for the Get Fit Challenge!” and I don’t have time to think “what

Scared in Zumba.

Saturday morning, I went to a Zumba class at the gym. I love Zumba. Have we discussed this already? Because I do. I really REALLY like to dance. I mean, that’s a whole post in itself, about how I used to hate to dance and now I love it, so we’ll save that for another

Around the internet in 7 clicks.

I have so many things to tell you about. Just things. That are great. And I’m a big believer in sharing. So let’s do it. EASY CLICK OF THE WEEK: My sweet friend Natalie has made it to the Top 10 to win a worldwide travel internship. Would you take literally two seconds to vote

The bend before the break.

I’m watching people I love bend. And I can see, in the not-too-distant future, the break. The break isn’t always bad. It just seems that sometimes pressure builds up around a situation and in the days before the resolution, it’s high intensity. I sat on my couch with one of my dearest friends a few

Happy Easter.

Read on, sweet reader. This is the day. Sunday: 1. Jesus appears at the empty tomb Matthew 28: 1-8 Mark 16:1-8 Luke 24:1-12 John 20:1-10 2. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene in the garden Mark 16:9-11 John 20:11-18 3. Jesus appears to other women Matthew 28:9-10 4. Jesus appears to two people going to Emmaus


Friday: 1. Jesus’ arrest and trial Matthew 26:47- 27:26 Mark 14:43-15:15 Luke 22:47-23:25 John 18:2-19:16 2. Jesus’ crucifixion and death Matthew 27:27-56 Mark 15:16-41 Luke 23:26-49 John 19:17-37 3. The burial of Jesus Matthew 27:57-66 Mark 15:42-47 Luke 23:50-56 John 19:38-42


From here on out, I’m thinkin’ we’ll just do the Holy Week scriptures. Cause really. When it all comes down to it, these are what matters. Not dumb stories about the YMCA [though I will tell you that I called myself “chubby” in front of Travis Stork. Sheesh.] or about my foot or anything else

My morning.

So a group of girls loaded up about 2:30pm yesterday and we went to Knoxville for a concert. Ingrid Michaelson. Mat Kearney. Some of our best friends in the crew. All together awesome. And a 3 hour drive. I got home about 2am. And…. here’s where things get hilarious…. I’m up at the YMCA at

The foot.

So you know I work at The Brave. And since we are a brand spankin’ new company, we had to put together our own furniture. And five weeks ago, while putting together a desk, I dropped a drawer on my foot. It hurt pretty much every day. In fact, one day last week when I

Give me an inch.

and I’ll take a week to figure out what to do with it. Or something like that. Sweet friends. Thanks for your patience with me this last week. I had a zillion deadlines, including one for a magazine where I HAVE JUST BECOME A MONTHLY COLUMNIST [squealing in my mind because roomie is asleep- but