Author: Annie

I’m gonna talk about the snow.

Because I don’t know if you know this, but Nashville has been covered in snow for a few months weeks days now. Honestly, on and off for January and February, we have seen a ton of snow. [Which is a relative statement, I agree. By “ton,” I mean “max 6 inches at a time.”] Not

Midnight musings.

Because literally, it’s midnight and I have no idea where this blog post is going. I guess I’ll just explain some things about some things. 1. The girls Bible study that I attend is doing Beth Moore’s Breaking Free. So. You can imagine how it is [If you’ve ever done this study, you know exactly

Who was his 3rd grade teacher?

I had to swing by the bank yesterday. I haven’t used this particular branch before, so I missed the turn. [please try to contain your shock] And so I had to circle around a Taco Bell [no, I didn’t purchase anything though I would SWEAR I heard the cinnamon twists calling my name, but I

Behind the Scenes: Big Girl TV.

I make jokes when I feel awkward and uncomfortable. Like now, in the blog title. Talking about the Subway Get Fit Challenge. I’ve had more conversations, face to face, about my weight in the last 3 weeks than I ever dreamed. I’ve looked in the eyes of my friends, knowing they know THE NUMBER, and

When The Night Comes

I haven’t told y’all about this yet, but I have a new job. Yes, I know. I’ve had quite a collection of jobs during my time here in Nashville [book proposal pending- cause who wouldn’t pay $12 to read all about my professional life?] and so to hear that I have a new one isn’t

Your Grammy Qs.

Sorry for the delay, bloggites. Moving ruled my life [my friends who helped me move are the bomb and I never use that term unless I am feeling very cheesy and appreciative] and now I’m in the new house. And my bed is caddy-corner. I know. Very lady-like. Focus. I need to focus. So I

That’s the night that the internet went out in Nashville.

Reba reference? Anybody? I’m totally going to answer [most] of your Grammy questions. So leave some more if you got ’em. You bring the Qs, I’ll bring the As. Sadly, I’m about 12 minutes away from losing the internet at Current House. The cable guy is meeting me tomorrow at Future House, so I have

Grammy time.

Ok. Let’s do this. Let’s talk Grammys. There is no way. Absolutely no way. For me to do justice to the event. I’m not going to go hour by hour telling you all the people we saw and hung out with, the things we ate [though I am talking about that at Annie Gets Fit


I don’t know what to say. I didn’t read the comments much during the day yesterday. But last night, around 11:30pm, I finally sat down and read them all. Every. Last. One. Of. Them. And I don’t know what to say. [But let’s be honest. That has never stopped me before.] Thank you. To those