Author: Annie


Be ye not concerned. Tomorrow you shall receive a full, detailed, photos-included recap of my time in LA including, but not limited to, THE GRAMMYS. [Preview: It. Was. Awesome.] But first. Something important and serious and personal. My weight. Even now, my stomach hurts and I’m hating this post. In fact, I just rolled my


Get it? Cause I’ll be at the Grammys? Gram-MEs? Oh, and some legitimately famous people will be there too. Obviously. But just in case you needed a reminder [I bet you didn’t because hello I can’t quit talking about it], watch the Grammys tonight and let’s keep our fingers crossed that Lady A wins both

3 minutes.

I’m being picked up in 3 minutes to go to the airport. And I’m leaving my computer at home. I just plain ran out of space. But I managed to fit 8 pairs of shoes for 5 days. So. Deal with that math. I can’t believe it’s really here. I’m also currently on the phone

Clicks that will cost you.

But are totes worth it. First of all, sorry my blog was broken this morning. It happens. 🙂 Here are some clicks for today that, while they aren’t free, are all awesome. First of all, my friend Lady Antebellum released their sophomore album today and it. is. great. So click on this iTunes button and


I have a new post up today at SheSeeks about changing careers. You know, something I may do again. Who knows. Also, if you leave a comment, you could win THIS AWESOME BOOK from my friend Shannon. So check check check check check it out. [Say that out loud to yourself like you are a

I’m Always Me: Book Nerd Edition.

I spent my Sunday afternoon sitting on the couch reading a book. Well. Officially. Reading a book on my Kindle. [I know. Santa showed up in Nashville and left this for me. And I freaked. Cause hello. It’s a Kindle and I love to read and hello I love technology.] [No Kip joke needed.] I’m

For your viewing pleasure.

Well, for about 10 hours, the inside of my blog was broken. I don’t know how to explain that any better except to say that WOW THAT WAS FRIGHTENING [cause I thought, for a while, that the ole snoozle blog might be the last thing you hear from AnnieBlogs, and what a dumb way to

The technology of a snoozle.

First of all, I love that y’all love the Grammy thing. Crazy, right? More to come. Don’t you worry about that. Now. Let’s talk about what important. Sleeping. Some friends showed me a new app for the iPhone this weekend. It’s called Sleep Cycle. And y’all. It. Is. Cool. You set it. Lay it down

January 31, 2010.

Is going to be a seriously exciting Sunday night. Cause I’m GOING. TO. THE. GRAMMYS. Yep. THESE GRAMMYS. Are. you. dying?!? Cause I. am. dying. [in a good way] Let me back up and explain. One of my dearest friends in Nashville in Hillary. Hillary is in a country group called Lady Antebellum. We had

Things I’m ashamed of:

That time I called the YMCA to cancel my gym membership and a guy I know answered the phone. “Sorry, David. I won’t be working out at your facilities this year. Nothing personal. How’s your mom?” That time I sold a bunch of books so I could have extra cash to eat out with my