Author: Annie

Grace. Etc.

First of all, you people love you some instructional videos. I feel like linen closets near and far are being transformed. Brings a tear to my organizational eye to hear so many of you making strides in folding areas of your life. I salute you, new members of the fold. [Literally.] I’m so stinkin’ glad

How to fold a fitted sheet.

Well, here you go. A few things: 1. Thank you to Lyndsay and Lauren for coming over at midnight to help film this. 2. I actually managed to do 3 things from my list in this video: a. fold a fitted sheet b. make myself laugh [normal- happens all the time] c. make my friends

I’m so irresolute.

No New Year’s Resolutions for me. Not a one. I can’t do it this year. I couldn’t recap 2009. And now I can’t pressure 2010. I’m gonna shoot you straight, blogmie. I’m a failure. A total ultimate no-way-around-it failure. [I know. I’m shattering your belief in my personal perfection. Sorry.] But it’s true. I’m terrible

We heart the bird.

It seems we are all in agreement. This sweet little bird is more than just a graphic on a header. He is a mascot. A symbol. Dare I say…. a best friend? Maybe. But I don’t like to rush these things. I did go ahead and frame a picture for my bedside table. But like

2010: the year of pretty.

And I’m kicking it off right here on ye old blog. Check. Out. The. New. Header. Isn’t it the cutest little thing you have ever seen? And the bird? I can’t quit loving that little bird. Shall we name him? And ohhh… the blue. I love the blue. It feels old and French or something

2009: The Year I Refused to Recap.

I just can’t do it. I recapped in 2007. I recapped in 2008. But there is just something different about 2009. I’m not going to say I’ve peaked. [Cause good gracious I hope that it’s not all downhill from here.] But without reservation, I will tell you that 2009 so overshot all my expectations, that


As many of you know, I got to go to Cape Town, South Africa in May with the Mocha Club. It was an awesome trip. When I got home, I would have told you that I am glad I went but it didn’t really change me. Here’s the funny thing. It seems that about once a month

A public letter to Colorado.

Dear Colorado, Let me start by saying what I big fan I am. You really are a great state. I mean, we haven’t hung out since 1996, but it was really nice to meet you and I hope I get to see you again soon. But here’s the thing. I’m disappointed in some of your

I am classy. And understated.

In my holiday greetings. Merry Christmas, y’all. The only birthday I like more than my own? The birthday of Jesus. See you next week. Much love.

Merry Click-mas.

That’s not disrespectful to the baby Jesus. I just have some links for you, and thinking you might enjoy a little play on words, I went for it. Forgive me if you are offended. First of all, today is my day to post over at (in)courage. And, because I tackle the deep and moving topics,