Author: Annie


So yesterday Betsy called me. Hesitantly, she told me of her afternoon at Frothy Monkey. She sat down at a table and heard two voices behind her talking. About ME. She could hear one of them say, “I mean, Annie doesn’t even pay attention to me anymore.” And then the other one responded, “Well, I


When I moved to Nashville, I had no plans. No idea with what to do with my days. Except to cry and beg God to let me go home to Atlanta. [That went well.] But now I sit here, a writer. A nanny. An employee. A friend. And it’s crazy. Most recent new title: Help


So I’m in Chicago. Remember that five of my eight jobs are portable. So I’m working. Don’t worry about that. And after lunch yesterday, Betsy, Lyndsay, and I went to the Field Museum. [I like museums. I like them so much that I handed Anita the iPhone over to Betsy and said, “You keep this

I’m ornamental.

I don’t even know what that means. But I’ll now distract you from the title by saying, “hey! look! here’s a picture!!” It’s a new tradition. I’m going to photograph myself with each of my ornaments. Every year. [Pause here to think about the ridiculousness of this idea.] Nah, I’m kidding. Though the more I

I’m kinda like a cat.

Stealth. Quiet. And I’ll pounce when you least expect it. [Or nap and eat lasagna like Garfield.] Either way, that weird analogy was supposed to be some sort of statement about my lack of blogging this week. Though I fear it more points to my lack of restraint when it comes to stream of consciousness

NYC: 48.

[Short history: Marisa, Bronwen, and I love the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC and so we decided we wanted to go there. We flew up Tuesday morning, stayed at sweet Jamie’s place, then flew home Thursday afternoon. Marisa has already recapped here, if you wanna see her take on the trip.] We were literally

Thanksgiving, Nash-style.

Thanksgiving 2009. There’s a lot I want to say. It was beautiful. Truly. The downside: I didn’t get to spend Thanksgiving day with my family. Though, I did spend the entire weekend with my parents so surely, on some great scoreboard in the sky, that counts for something. I knew I should get that out

Seth “you’re gonna wanna hug him” Philpott.

This is one of my dear friends, Seth Philpott. This photo doesn’t do Seth justice. You can’t see him smiling. You can’t see how the world entertains him. You can’t hear him CRACKING ME UP. Cause if he’s talking, I’m laughing. Game over. But because he wanted to be sure to look cool, here’s the

I used to teach school.

Saturday night, I attended my third Thanksgiving dinner in Nashville. Good. Gravy. Literally. [I’m sorry. But that’s funny.] Nashville Thanksgiving 2009 was super wonderful. But more on that later this week. As I stood in the kitchen and talked with a friend, he asked a question, and within my answer I said, “did you know