Every Sunday in this month, I’m going to share one verse that really has impacted me as I’ve studied and taught about the power of words.
In the NIV, this verse says “out of the overflow of your heart, your mouth speaks.” I love quoting that when I’m speaking or sharing it with teen girls when we talk about the power of words. I think one thing we all need to remember is that what comes out of our mouth is a direct reflection of what is happening in our hearts.
My friend Lindsey emailed me this beautiful graphic of our verse today. I tooooooootes love it. She’s talented, yo.
And this is Matthew 12:34 in the Message version. I think it is a very powerful statement to end our Sunday scripture in 31 Ways To Speak Love.
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Why not share this scripture today with your people? What a great reminder to dig deeper into the words that we say.
This is Day 27 of 31 Ways to Speak Love. You can click here to see a list of all the posts in the series.