It was a fun weekend- full of out of town friends and Mexican food and crutches and hobbling. [Is “hobbling” a word? As in, “to hobble”? I think so, but not certain. If it is, consider me wise. If it isn’t, consider me witty.]
I have never had an injury like this- that really retards the rest of my life. And I don’t use that word disrespectfully, I use it genuinely. Having a bum leg really hinders pretty much all things attempted.
Sunday morning at church, Randy spoke on suffering. And what it looks like and how to respond. He actually gave the example of someone slamming their finger in a car door and THE DOOR LOCKING. [I’m sorry, but I think I just heard a rousing round of dry heaving. And one was mine.] In that moment, I was grateful for this swelled up cankle. Cause it could be a lot worse.
One thing that people keep asking me is, “What do you think God is trying to teach you in this?”
And I don’t know if I know that answer- maybe that being the tight-rope walker in the circus really isn’t my calling? [blast.] Maybe I was supposed to be “there” and not “there”, a hundred times over? Maybe I needed to face some new truths about my life and how I’m loved here? Maybe I just needed to slow down.
That’s kind of a theme in my life. SLOW DOWN. DRAW BOUNDARIES. DON’T FILL UP YOUR LIFE. Cause I tend to believe that if I’m awake, I should be doing or going. Rarely is resting an option. [But in my defense, I just love being with people- so I figure if someone is available to hang out, let’s hang out. But enough with the excuses.]
And yesterday morning, Randy said that in the midst of our suffering, we need to be willing to listen. Hurt people always want to talk-to have attention drawn to them. [I have no idea what he meant by that. Ahem.] But the real goal is to be a listener. Because God is speaking in your suffering.
So I’m choosing to listen. The Cankle is supposed to tell me something. Though this is by no means a serious suffering, comparatively, it’s still a good time to practice hearing God.
And who better to tell me what God is trying to say in this than God Himself.
Romans 5: 3-5
“…We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us”
Photo update [mainly for Mama, but the rest of you can look too]: