TOP 5 FRIDAY: Current Reads

TOP 5 FRIDAY is when we each list five of our favorite things, depending on the topic. Feel free to join in via the comments or by posting on your own blog and linking back here. Play along. It’s Friday.

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I’m a serial multi-book reader. I like to have different books going all at the same time so that I can have a variety of experiences at any given reading moment. Also, I am a book nerd and I am always wishing that my job was to read books and take naps. Annie Parsons calls that job title “Lady of Leisure.” I want that job.

Or the job I have. Whatevs. 🙂

Anyways, so I’m reading, no joke, five books right now. How convenient for our Friday. So in no particular order, here are the books that are in process of being completed by your book addicted blogista.

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1. You Lost Me by David Kinneman

If you do any type of ministry to those that are 19-29 years old, you need to read this book. In fact, if you KNOW anyone who is in that age group and has chosen to leave the church, let me tell ya, you should read this. It has opened my eyes, even as tears poured out of them, to the changing culture and how it is effecting those in the generation below me.

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2. MWF Seeking BFF by Rachel Bertsche

I met the author on a random trip to Parnassus Books, Nashville’s cool indie bookstore, and I’m SO glad I did. I got to hear her speak and I immediately purchased this book. I am enjoying it. It’s my “car book” – the one that hangs in my vehicle so that if I get somewhere early, I have something to read. So it’s going slow, but I like it immensely.

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3. The Secret Keeper by Sandra Byrd

Sandra is a good friend of mine and I actually used to work as her online assistant [fun facts about Annie Downs!] and so I get to read all her stuff before the rest of the world and man, this Ladies-In-Waiting series is unreal. I am about halfway through this book and I relish those last moments of the day when I snuggle down and read before I fall asleep. The plot and the characters are so well written that I feel like I am watching a movie and living the scene and know the characters. Y’all. She’s good.

Also, I only read fiction before bed. [fun facts about Annie Downs!]

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4. Million Dollar Speaking by Alan Weiss

This book was recommended to me by a professional speaker and while I do speak and I do have dollars, I do not have a million of them. I’m not even sure that’s a goal, but the goal is to use my life to make Jesus famous to those who don’t know Him [or don’t know Him for who He really is], and the more people I get to speak with, the more that happens. So maybe let’s call this “Million Ears Speaking.” I like that goal.

Also. Professional development is always a good idea. You can quote me on that.

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5. Empty Promises by Pete Wilson

As I already told you, my small group is reading this together through the summer. It’s so rad- one of the girls makes a short video for our secret facebook page each Monday recapping that week’s chapter and prepping us for the next. I like the slow pace of reading and discussing- it’s great for summer.

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