New Book Week : Clout by Jenni Catron


Sometimes I think I should just run a book blog. I love talking about books sooooo much.

This week, we’ve already discussed Notes From A Blue Bike and Chasing God, and today’s New Book Week feature book….

Clout by Jenni Catron


Full disclosure: I love Jenni a ton. She’s been on staff at my Nashville church for a long time and she has had a significant impact on my life as a leader and as a woman. For the last few years, Jenni has led a group of women leaders in our church and about a year ago, she led us through Clout. So my personal copy looks like a highlighter playground.

Jenni has done an amazing job with this book- she not only pushes women to lead well, this book is equally as important and relevant to men. And it’s not just for bosses (or bossy people… ahem). It’s for anyone that has an audience. And that’s YOU.

Here’s the trailer for Clout. So much sweet Nashville. You’re gonna love it. (Subscribers- there’s a video here. Click over to seeeeee it.)

See, the idea is that you already have God-given influence. Whether that is in your home, on your blog, in your church, on a stage, or wherever, you have people that listen to you and respect your clout. In this book, Jenni works through the lies we hear about our influence and how to cultivate and grow in the fields where God has placed you.

Clout is a great book for a college co-ed group or an adult Sunday School class to read together. It’s also just great for you, in your world, trying to figure out how best to influence the people God has put around you. Enjoy this one, friends. It will teach you a lot.

(I have used Amazon affiliate links in this post, but I have not been paid to write this post. All opinions are honest and my own. Amen.) 

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