I have two thoughts:
1. I wanted to make a Carmen Sandiego joke, but it was too hard.
2. I wanted to make Waldo joke, but it was also too hard.
So I’m just going to tell you.
I’m at Hilton Head Island with twelve of the girls who write for (in)courage with me.
DaySpring and Hilton Head Island Chamber of Commerce are hosting us- HHICoC generously provided the accommodations at the amazing beach house, bikes, an ocean cruise, and dinner at The Aqua Grille & Lounge. DaySpring took care of all the incidentals and meals for each of the bloggers.
We’ve already taken the bikes for a spin on the beach. Lesson learned? Pedal towards the wind first, then with the wind second. The other way around (pedaling against the wind on the way home)? It is hard.
I also have my typical nose sunburn even though I use sunscreen. Seriously. I’m 30. I should have figured out with SPF will protect my shnozz.
I also have teared up twice- first when one of my dearest friends Sarah Markley walked in the door, and secondly when we blessed the food. In that moment, we all sorta realized what a massive gift (in)courage is in our lives. And I cried.
I’m very happy here. I love being surrounded by these women. You may not get this nerdy comment, but I love when the bloggers I read every day sit across the table from me and hold my hand. I love when the friends on twitter are sitting on the couches, screaming with laughter.
Here’s who is with us [not in the order from the picture- sorry]:
What a privilege.
I may write more this weekend. Or I may just sit outside and talk with my friends. Or pray together or cry together. I may go on a long walk on the beach or I may just sit by the pool. I hope I ride a bike again and I hope we keep laughing like this. Cause right now we are looking through today’s pictures and commenting on every.single.one.
I’m happy. And I’m closing my computer to hang with my friends.
So in case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.