So you’ll recall that in February we partnered with Mocha Club and raised $12,355 for New Dawn High School in Nairobi, Kenya.
(That sentence still blows my mind.)
The thoughts behind Mocha Club’s purpose projects is to raise money in a month and once you hit your goal, to make yourself do something that you wouldn’t otherwise do. For me, I’ve always wanted to take my friends to see New Dawn! So everyone who donated $25 or more filled out an application. We read them all (OVER FIFTY!) and then piled ’em up.
Watch the video below to see what happens…
So sweet, right?!?!
Also. I interrupt too much and make weird faces and have officially overworn that grey sweater this winter.
So in two months, we head over to Kenya with a handful of other amazing gals (and a video dude!) and you’ll be able to follow along and SEE for yourself all the amazing things that your sacrifices were able to do!
EEP. I’m freaking out I’m so excited!!
(The only hard part? The whole lot of you that don’t get to go with us. Thank you for donating, thank you for applying, thank you for taking time to write out your answers. We were moved by each of you. I’m just sorry we can’t take you all.)