I have a friend named Annie.
On Sunday, I called her to go shoe shopping with me and instead, she GAVE me her shoes. The same shoes that took her to Africa a few months ago will take me to Africa tomorrow.
Somewhere, in my mind, is rolling around the depth of this idea- two Annies taking the same pair of shoes to multiple countries in Africa- her to Egypt and Sudan, me to South Africa.
There’s something in that. There’s something about the steps she took that are impacting the steps I’m going to take. There’s something about the places these shoes have already been that gives me courage to take them across the Atlantic again.
It’s deep, y’all. I can’t wrap my mind around all of it, but I know it’s there. I know it in my knower.
I wore the shoes yesterday around Nashville, just to make sure they were comfortable and were going to be worth the packing space. ALL DAY LONG this thought ran through my mind. I couldn’t shake it. This physical act is really also a spiritual act. Annie encouraging me to walk that same road, equipping me with what gave her strength to make the journey. Giving freely so that I, in turn, will give.
It was a simple gift, meant only to ease my mind and my budget for this month. It was not meant to be taken quite. so. seriously. And I know that. But God has used this to speak to my heart today.
I’m walking in the shoes of a woman who loves Africa.
And there is a chance that by the time these shoes return to their rightful Annie, they will have walked my heart directly out of my chest and left it lying in Capetown. I’m prepared to return to Nashville with the shoes, but without a portion, or any, of my heart.
I really have no idea what God has in store for me on this trip. I can’t decide if my lack of expectations is a recipe for a disaster or an open door for Him to do His thing. [Probably some diabolically weird and beautiful combination that will have me begging for mercy and begging for more, at the exact same time.] And when my heart can take no more, or when I’m too tired to take another step, I’ll look at the shoes. The ones who have done all this before. I’ll be reminded of Annie, and the other Mocha Club members and artists, who have walked these steps. Literally walked in these shoes. And made a way for me.
Two Annies. Two shoes. One continent. One mission.
To glorify God by loving His people.
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion [Capetown!], “Your God reigns!” -Isaiah 52:7