And you can help them!
Meet Phil and Sonnie. Cute, right?
I know. I adore them.
But check this out. Here is their boy Rock. Yep, you heard me. They named their son Rock. Cause folks in Nashville roll like that. [Rock. Roll. I like.]
Seriously. It makes me laugh out loud Every. Time. I look at this picture.
And now Rock is in a little cute baby competition and the winner gets a stroller. Apparently a pretty fancy stroller- I have no idea. I think a grocery cart is a fancy stroller, so I am no judge.
But you can help Rock win!
Basically you just go to the picture of sweet little Rock and all you have to do is like it (thumbs up!). The bambino with the most “likes” wins.
Look for this picture (or click the picture and it will send you straight to voting):
Andy just said, “It’s so simple. You go to this picture. You click ‘like’. Done.”
He’s a man of many words, except when it comes to winning baby carrying devices.
So there’s one quick and easy way to bring some sunshine [and new wheels] to a family I love. So please go vote!
And seriously. Why wouldn’t you? That is a humorous costume.
Or a humerus costume.
[You’re welcome.]