He’s truly one of my dearest friends and one of my favorite musicians. I’m so lucky that one human can be both of those people. The beauty of Nashville.
I absolutely LOVED having Matt Wertz on the podcast this week. His new album Gun Shy is really so good and perfect for summer and I’m certain you will love it.
But that’s not all we talked about. In fact, I think the math goes like this:
Two good friends +
small recording booth +
years of history +
amazing new album +
true concern for the future of free range turkeys =
the best 50 minutes of your day.
(You can download the episode here, or if you subscribe to the That Sounds Fun podcast, every new episode will drop into your podcast app. Or you can listen below!)
Here are the links to things we discuss on the podcast:
— Matt Wertz
— NSYNC “I Drive Myself Crazy” video
— Matt’s Wertz Wednesday Spotify Playlist
— Enneagram Test (Matt and I are both 7s- what about you?)
— Capitol City (My FAVORITE Matt Wertz song)
— Looking For Lovely Weekend 2016
— Ingrid Michaelson’s Snapchat music video
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